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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. My daughter is all about OK Go right now. She is even more enamored now she knows they love teh Wilcos.
  2. Cut it on a sunny day, tie it in a bundle and hang it in a cool, dark, dry place. When it is dry, store in a jar in a dark, dry, cool place. I love fresh herb.
  3. She sent the chili?? OMC! I will spank her soundly for you. ("Mommmm!")
  4. I prefer to say "thumb bitches". Now I must transform from "20 terra cotta pots and saucers, cypress mulch, hand cart, stainless steel transplant spade and about a cubic yard of potting soil Jeep" to HaWt Babe mobile. Also...today is Bethanydear's birthday.
  5. Sam was talking about it at the KC show, so maybe it's a standing bit. oceanman pussed out at that show. We'll be the three incredibly hawt babes in the front of the line. I'll be looking for you....
  6. oceanman, how will I know you? Will you be the guy that looks like this:
  7. Day after tomorrow!!!@!!! CONGRATULATIONS FLICK!
  8. I nominate El El Cool F for the Nobel Peace Prize.
  9. I don't even tell half the stories of weird stuff that happens in my life. It's a trip being me.
  10. Sarah's dad returned to Wendy's after going through the drive through and not recieving his cheeseburger. After the manager accused him of being "that guy who always tries to get free food", he pushed the cash register onto the floor and left. We were in the process of gutting our kitchen at the time. He retuned home and announced, "The cops will probably be here any minute."
  11. First frost last night! Alas! My tomatoes!
  12. From some of the things he said, it would seem that he and his wife had shared some of these feelings before, so it's not like a big secret between them. I guess in that way it's less of a burden to my conscience. The energy that is generated by our subconscious, especially where sexual impulse is attached, is sometimes only expressed outwardly in these peculiar chemically altered states. At the end of the day, my curious mind is generally more fascinated than repulsed by the glimpse inside of that place. He's sporting wood, I'm sure of it. And mortified at the same time. Paradox is natura
  13. Thank you Jimmy. I was just about to post something similar.
  14. Speed! Oh, sweetie what a scary thing. I'm so glad that you're OK.
  15. I love my friend Chris Hall. He sends me the best artists from his job at CD Baby. This had me in tears: Give a listen to her sound clips. http://cdbaby.name/w/i/wingsounds2.jpg
  16. OMC! I was just going to edit my post!!!@!!
  17. Don't count on it. It is not in my nature to try to change a person's mind about stuff. All of my friends are artists, musicians, dog groomers and writers. Do comp planners fall into any of those catagories?
  18. If teh gershon was here, he would be all .
  19. OMG! That's almost identical to the combo of substances this guy was using. You didn't remember after, eh? OK.
  20. I have known the wife since I was 4. Her husband 10 years. These are people who I have camped with, fished with, gotten wasted with, and slept on their living room floor. I think you are right on the money. Yes. Not with another woman's husband, however. Thanks for your help, guys and gal. I knew I could count on you.
  21. Mkay. I have guests coming this weekend, and Wilco rock tourism in the offing. There are things that need to be done. If you guys have any ideas about this situation, please post them on this message board, in this very thread. Thanks in advance.
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