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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Parker's Mill. Photographs don't begin to do justice though.
  2. I had a pretty cool sunrise at my house this morning. Now, with the new IRememberDBoon rules in place, would I have to start a whole new thread to post a pic, or could I post it in one of the myriad other threads in which said pic would be appropriate? Or...since this is in question form, perhaps I would be better served in the ask caliber thread. See, now I'm all confused.
  3. Not literally viatroy, but there might be some elements of that.
  4. This is the best thing that has happened all day.
  5. Aye laddie. That you have. 1000 at least.
  6. K. Your taste is generally impeccable.
  7. Don't be so hard on yourself. There can be many outside contributing factors.
  8. I still have clit envy. Even after all these months.
  9. Also, Band Of Horses is playing here Sunday night. I might have too much going on to catch that show unless someone tells me it's a 'must see'.
  10. I took my mouse apart and removed the lint from the rollers, and now it's working good as new!
  11. Plant guys are usually pretty sensitive, well muscled and tan. I love my industry for that reason. You should have no problem. I could tell a great story about looking through old "art" pictures of me from that era, but the story is too good for VC.
  12. My personal mythology includes the belief that I am evolved from dolphins instead of apes. Among my favorite dreams are those in which I am swimming underwater and breathing.
  13. It's embarrassing how many times I played that 45 as a yout.
  14. Here in the plains states we say, "All hat, no cattle."
  15. My goat stories got me into trouble last go round. The floor did feel a bit sticky in here this morning.
  16. It's good that there are some that will continue to rotate the earth while others of us sleep.
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