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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Damn. Old skool. I'll bet he's an awesome storyteller.
  2. I quit 5 years ago. I used the patch, because I hated the fuzzy headed, can't think about anything but wanting a cigarette, mind set. I used each stage about half of the recommended amount of time, because I didn't like the feeling of that either. Do it, Tracy. It is the most marvelous gift you can give to yourself. There was a long period time that I couldn't picture an enjoyable life without cigarettes, but you know what? I was totally wrong. PS So sorry about your mom, redshift.
  3. Having seen heroin and Oxycontin addiction up close and way too personal, may I say this: DO NOT USE OPIATES Knuckleheads.
  4. Not the Pere Ubu thread I was hoping for: wanna make a deal with you girl and get it signed by the heads of state I wanna make a deal with you girl be recognized round the world It's my nonalignment pact Nonalignment pact Sign it! Nonalignment pact At night I can see the stars on fire I can see the world in flames And it's all because of you or your thousand other names Peggy Carrie Ann and Betty Jean Jill Jan Joan and Sue Alice Cindy Barbara Ann It's all because of you It's all because of you girl! It's all because of you It's all because of you girl! Sign my no
  5. You're a fine fellow, well met, bobbob. This M Ward is blowing my mind etc.
  6. LC's BarBQ. Stuff this good has to be bad for you. Ah, well... Cauldron of baked beans.
  7. I pray SS doesn't try to photoshop this idea.
  8. Twas paper wasps that got both of us. What's the status of your hive situation? Yes, Nat, a wasp can sting repeatedly.
  9. "Golf is the only opportunity that middle-aged WASPs have to dress up like a pimp." Kinky Friedman
  10. She's so stoic about it, but everytime she tells the story, I cry. Just like last night.
  11. You are a fortunate human. Sarah had very little sympathy for my single sting. "Remember when I was five and had the wasp in my jammies while I was sleeping? I got stung 15 times that night." Seriously, what could be worse than waking from a sound sleep to your baby girl screaming that something is "cutting" her under her shirt, ripping her shirt off, and finding the wasp that had stung her 15 times. I wanted to cut it into miniscule pieces, throw gasoline on it and torch it. Then stomp it into dust. Parenting is not for the faint hearted. My arm is still red and itchy.
  12. Boulevard makes small batch specialty brews to experiment with new styles, and to keep the brewers' creative 'juices' flowing. The tripel was one such beer. These beers rarely make it outside of the brewery family. Although one tripel found its way to a VC beer connoisseur in RI.
  13. Tripel Description: The name "Tripel" actually stems from part of the brewing process, in which brewers use up to three times the amount of malt than a standard Trappist "Simple." Traditionally, Tripels are bright yellow to gold in color, which is a shade or two darker than the average Pilsener. Head should be big, dense and creamy. Aroma and flavor runs along complex, spicy phenolic, powdery yeast, fruity/estery with a sweet finish. Sweetness comes from both the pale malts and the higher alcohol. Bitterness is up there for a beer with such a light body for its strength, but at times is bare
  14. These are two of the coolest dogs I have ever seen. Sarah, Nikolai, Natalie and Cooper.
  15. You smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
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