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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. "Everything from earthquakes to streaking comets were considered meteorological events, classified by Aristotle as dry exhalations of the planet."
  2. There is something disturbingly incongruous about the lemon in his glass. Also, Tracy, I have seen Liquid Sky, both the original Spanish version, and the American version.
  3. Yes! Look what else keeps jumping up! The garden is a magical place!
  4. Handsome rainbow. I would have fried him up in a cast iron pan. Fresh trout is so very good. (apologies to catch and release dudes)
  5. I took this opportunity to go play outside. OK, I mowed. But this is what I saw: Look at the proboscis on that thing!!
  6. Sorry, dude. Being sarcastic, and evidently failing miserably at it. 16 DAYS!!!!!!
  7. Well, the thing is, people lose loved ones every second of every day. It's pretty damn near always tragic. What is the prescribed length of time to grieve and then to move on?
  8. I'm gonna go jack off to that picture RIGHT NOW!!!@@!! OMG!!!!!
  9. God, I remember watching CNN, especially in the days after, and how human the reporters all seemed. I can't even remember her name, but she was there in the night, wandering from missing poster to missing poster, weeping. We all seemed a bit more human those days.
  10. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that I should start wearing eye protection when I go into the garden. They are thick as bees out there. If they weren't such amazing fliers, I really might!
  11. I know that Bethany was initially very sad to have both disparate memories in association. Which is part of the reason I posted: In this way both memories can coexist more comfortably.
  12. I have a theory that the so called "territorial chasing" is a complex dance that hummingbirds do for fun. It is astounding to watch.
  13. There's the rub. This day is a cultural touchstone, but it still has import for other reasons as well. Posting a beautiful picture of a gloriously happy day in my family's life doesn't sully or diminish the tragedy of that day in NY. Jesus.
  14. ...that I watch birds like most people watch TV?
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