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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Nope. I am working on a book of photography called, "Whatcha Got In Your Backyard?" The Ozarks are full of back yard surprises. Here's another:
  2. I simply must not post on VC when I have Tourettes d' Ovulation. I better go work instead.
  3. I have so many funny hats that we could start an entire thread on the subject. I don't think any of you would be that big of gluttons for punishment.
  4. I didn't sniff them, so I can't be sure.
  5. There's a dreamer in my dreams Swinging from the beams With a light shining off the lake
  6. Thank you sooo much for those. At the end of September it will be 2 years since I have been fishing from a canoe . I so miss it. Looks like you guys had an great time.
  7. Happy birthday, Paul! See you somewhere on the Tiny Town Tour!
  8. I was going to post about my pant situation, but wisely decided against it. gershon, what were you doing up in the middle of the night?
  9. Warren Jeffs needs to be locked away forever. I would personally swallow the key. Colorado City shoud be burned to the ground.
  10. I wonder if Edie and I should follow the bus to WV.
  11. I'd recognize that couch and bad kitty anywhere. I know. Me too, but I was just at a memorial service, and should probably leave the comedy to the professionals.
  12. Are you saying that I cut off my ear today?
  13. Now a new one, and the old one is gone.
  14. I think I can probably get to the second floor of the Jackson County courthouse without getting arrested. Unless this is a reality show audition or something. Analogman, I have not a clue what you were trying to say with that series of pictures. It may be that I don't want to know.
  15. Tonight I will attend a memorial service at KC's first art film house, for and old friend and one of the city's iconic personalities. We will watch The Station Agent per his wishes, and I shall rub elbows with people I haven't seen in years. I will not be wearing this, my favorite chapeau, (for you plasticeyeball):
  16. He's dead now anyway. Oh, and speaking of hairdos, mister pot calling the kettle black.
  17. I had a friend who had a hair cut like this except without the bill. In the back of his head he shaved "CH" for Cylinder Head
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