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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. You have exposed my deepest prejudice Sorry. Chegros.
  2. I sent a link for this thread to my friend who works at CD Baby. He said there is some confusion about what CD Baby is, but reiterated what has already been said here; that CD Baby is a clearinghouse, or distribution warehouse. Stuff comes in from the artist, CD Baby catalogues it, warehouses it, and sends it back out again. The quality of the product is dependent upon the artist whose product you purchase.
  3. Ozark hiking hint # 77. Don't wear mesh top running shoes to run these kinds of trails. Chiggers drop right in to the tops of your feet. Bastardos! I'm afraid to put my shoes on for my morning walk. Maybe I'll spray them with insecitide first.
  4. All day, hiking, swimming, eating, telling stories and driving around country roads, because those are about all a girl really needs to do. Pretty charming weekend indeed. Farm animals notwithstanding.
  5. Conversation at the horse barn today: Claudia: (voice from the tack room) Ugh! This barn smells like goat! M. Chris: I find that quite offensive. Claudia: Oh, right. Sorry. This barn smells like goat cum. True story.
  6. My friend Claudia just told a goat story that made me laugh so hard I cried. I'll not be telling the story, here, however. Also, I may have some chigger bites.
  7. Oh, and now you're going to pretend to know where I live? That's it. I quit the coddam board.
  8. That's life on the farm. I am not squeamish about any of it. I saw alot of messy visceral stuff which I'm sure you city boys would find repugnant. Shrug. Put me on ignore.
  9. Goat sex is not in any way hot for those of us that have lived on farms. Billy goats are disgusting. After this, I need to go take a shower.
  10. This is my most vivid memory of keeping goaties. Onanism at its finest. And, uh, most fragrant.
  11. That boy was pissed out of his gourd! Whatever happened to the Let It Be DVD release? It seems like there was buzz about it coming out last year.
  12. My roommate will be there, but I will be in the beautiful Adirondacks that weekend. Was I to be anywhere else, I would be sad to miss that show. The Bottleneck is a tiny bar, if you have not been there before. Are you going? Should be a kick ass show. I am planning to be at the Band of Horses show at the Granada the weekend prior. Congrats Mr. bobbob!
  13. As in many aspects of life, rain is either feast or famine. Here in the plains states it has been famine for many moons. Rain dances at this house have consisted of running into the garden naked when it rains and screaming "THANK YOU!" and "WHOOO HOOO!" at the sky like a goddam pagan.
  14. My mom would be so pleased that her hilarious misnomer has gained wider acceptance than just the Doxsey siblings.
  15. All I know is that for this week temperatures will not get above 90 for the first time in 2 months. That's truck washing, beach going kind of news I like.
  16. Except when they're high school gym teachers.
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