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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I stood 6" from the hummingbird feeder while a pair of females drank with their long tongues the fresh sugar water. It was amazing. My grandpa would be proud of me.
  2. Since Bethany is working instead of lurking this weekend, let me paraphrase what she might tell you: "Duh."
  3. After so many years, I am jealous of me too. He wore a blood red tuxedo shirt, cuffs unbuttoned, might have even had ruffles, (or I could be making that part up), and a dark jacket. *sigh*
  4. Happy birthday! There's another one that makes a trio Her name is Sally but they call her Cleo She's a Leo She got a flat in Soho She breaks the ceiling Every time she twirls her mojo!
  5. I was at this show. Kansas City, 1982. We sat at tiny bistro tables with little lamps on them. Right up front. I swear I felt the earth move.
  6. The sun is staying abed later and later. Sleepy old sun.
  7. Tom Waits sitting next to Marvin Hamlisch. God I love this country.
  8. While that might be tasty, my belly feels a bit like bacon, and that is not a good thing.
  9. It's generally not a good idea to start wearing a bikini this time of year. And Mr. K, my schportz bras came today, so no need to worry. Also....heya ms yvon!
  10. Ben and Jerry's, two for $5. I see much ice cream in my future.
  11. Done! Now get the kid to the monastery already! If he's not a smiling baby Buddha, I don't know who is.
  12. You would prefer perhaps I list all the books about orphaned children raped by old men, books on addiction and germ warfare, Holocaust survivor stories, WW2 wandering orphan stories etc. that I have also read?
  13. I almost had a coronary when I found out they still made Sugar Babies.
  14. The only dude that I have been sweet on since I was 4 is my daddy.
  15. Because I learned to read when I was 4? "All photos taken with a Canon Digital Rebel XT with Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-3.5, Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 and Canon 85mm f/1.8"
  16. This guy's photos with a Canon Rebel XT are pretty spectacular. Lolla Photos
  17. Your review put me over the top, and then some. i'll feel my way down the darken hall, and out into the morning, the hobos at the freightyards, have kept their fires burning, so jesus christ this goddamn rain, will someone put me on a train, i'll never kiss your lips again, or break your heart, as i say goodbye i'll say goodbye, say goodbye to ruby's arms. Thanks so much for posting.
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