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When Valentin struck out in the 9th, I hit myself so hard I left a mark.

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Guest baseball bobblehead

i'm afraid we missed all the baseball fun this afternoon but now we're watching braves. I do love it when pitchers hit the ball.

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i'm afraid we missed all the baseball fun this afternoon but now we're watching braves. I do love it when pitchers hit the ball.

I detested that game tonight


Reds = "Free Fallin'"

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Miguel Cabrera and pitcher Scott Olsen were involved in a little shoving match during today's game. This is the second time Olsen has been publicly involved in a fight with a teammate (Reliever Randy Messenger gave him a black eye during a fight earlier).

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Dear Bobby Crosby,


Perhaps you have not noticed, but K-Rod likes to throw sliders. Perhaps you also have not noticed that more often than not, those sliders are going to be out of the strike zone. Therefore, the best strategy would be for you to stop freakin' swing at them! :realmad :realmad :frusty :frusty


Your friend,

Nobody Girl

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Varitek: 0 for 9 with 4 strikeouts. (edit: OK, now it says only three ... the MLB Gameday stats must have had it wrong.)


How do you not go home and break stuff after a day like that?


The White Sox needed that one. :whew

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Guest baseball bobblehead
Varitek: 0 for 9 with 4 strikeouts. (edit: OK, now it says only three ... the MLB Gameday stats must have had it wrong.)


How do you not go home and break stuff after a day like that?


The White Sox needed that one. :whew


well, considering how badly the red sox were hitting, i'm surprised it took 19 innings for the white sox to take it!


jason varitek has not been hitting well at all.

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I disagree. My team has a better record than the White Sox. The Sox may be better in the end, but to assert that they are "much" better is insane.


Lots of Red Sox fans here too, and I don't think the White Sox are all that much better than the Red Sox either.

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It's the White Sox who looked like the softball team the Red Sox were last year, this series. Sorry for that sentence. Anyway, for some reason their pitching hasn't been as good as last year (traded an inconsistent, often hurt pitcher for an inconsistent, never hurt pitcher), and their defense hasn't been as good (by right it should be as good. Anderson is an upgrade defensively over Rowand, but I don't know how the platoon of Anderson and Mackowiak is compared to Rowand). Hitting is much better. Bunting has been real bad, as it was today...baserunning was bad, too. Anyway, I'm sure the White Sox' bats will get them far in the regular season, but if the maxim that great pitching beats great hitting holds true in the playoffs, they really need to get their shit together.


Meanwhile, the Red Sox bullpen looks much improved and their starters look better.

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I need to throw this in, too: How in all that is sacred do White Sox fans put up with the utter inanity that is Hawk Harrelson and his co-boob? These two are beyond being homers.


They consistently bash the officiating when "they" don't get a call, even so far as to bitch about separate strike zones and arguing the validity of balls/strikes.


I had forgotten how much these guys blow at calling games. Not to mention the juvenile "he gone" and "you can put it on the boarrrrrrd....YES!" crap.


I was fortunate to get the NESN feed on Friday and Fox pretty much takes care of making sure I don't get to watch the Red Sox on Saturdays.


Seriously, do White Sox fans turn the volume off for each game?

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