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Allmusic Wilco Entry

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I believe moe. has been around a bit longer, but anyway.


I think the point was, for whoever wrote, to name as many bands and adjectives as possible. A contest of sorts.


Moe sounds more like Uncle Tupelo, IMO. Sort of like Graveyard Shift style.

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The gal who got me into Wilco in the first place is always pushing me to listen to Earle




The guy who introduced me to Wilco also was very much an Earle fan :cheers

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I am Wilco, and this is my story.


I come from an uncompromising and angst-ridden past full of intimate, reflective, and self-conscious pasts that dealt with the enigmatic music that is "alt-country." With a yearning to distinguish myself from those earthy times I took just about 99.673% of Uncle Tupelo and formed what I am today, searching for my own identity. With earnest I distinguished myself from Son Volt by becoming increasingly more complex, and summery (thanks to Summerteeth). I later fell in love with the hypnotic sounds of militarily encrypted radio. This was moreover bittersweet as soon after I found love I had two members depart. However, being forever rambunctious, I forged on until, hilariously, Warner Bros. decided to sign me on twice (haha!). In the end, however, it was all for naught, as my lead man went to rehab because he was...never mind. Wistful for a quick and speedy recovery, I waited. And, for goodness sake, it came. It was a rather cathartic experience, as I embarked on a rather rousing journey through a new brand of rock. With the great success of that album, I was in the party / celebratory mood. However, I still had a soothing side to manage, and thus came to be my most recent album, Mr. Sky Blue Sky.


I am Wilco, and that was my story.


Word Bank :)





















Party / Celebratory

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