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To my fellow musicians......

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So now that I'm in college, I've decided to somewhat pursue my musical dreams. But after reading some articles about making press kits/sending things to labels, I'm a little daunted. So I was wondering if any VC musicians could 1) point me towards some good sights that will tell me how to make a good press kit, and 2)let me know of some labels that will possibly listen to stuff sent to them. Anything and everything is appriciated. Thanks.

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So now that I'm in college, I've decided to somewhat pursue my musical dreams. But after reading some articles about making press kits/sending things to labels, I'm a little daunted. So I was wondering if any VC musicians could 1) point me towards some good sights that will tell me how to make a good press kit, and 2)let me know of some labels that will possibly listen to stuff sent to them. Anything and everything is appriciated. Thanks.


As far as press kits go I can't help you. But from what i've heard from label heads is basically this: "dont call us. we'll call you." They dont really listen to submitted stuff. And to just get out there.. do your best and if you're good. They'll find you. Cream always rises to the top. Some personal advice. It's a job. treat it like one.. be professional and have a sense of work ethic about what you do. Do that and you'll be fine.

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one of my good friends lives in Hollywood and said that many of the "big" record companies have mailboxes specifically for this thing (I will be doing it this fall!!!). You just drop your album in the mailbox and hope for the best. I guess if you put one in there every week, sooner or later you'd hear something. It might be, "Quit giving us your goddamn record." But maybe then they'd listen to it. :beer :)

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I've done some promotion for band's in college. For a press kit here's what you'll need.


Each Press Kit should contain this:


1. Manilla Envelope

2. Demo with 30 second song clips of 5-7 songs

3. One page band Bio describing your sound, where you're from, accomplishments, the crowd you draw. Should be in color with band logo as header. Includes names of each member and contact info for booking.

4. One color band photo that you don't mind being placed in newspapers, posters, etc.

5. A joint. (depending on who you're sending it to)

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You can't aim high. Honestly, finding a small local indie label would be your best bet.


It's amazing how many artists/bands believe that they can start out at the top of the ladder when that just doesn't happen anymore (unless you're an entertainer posing as a singer). It is such a plus to start small. Work on the local scene, learn the ins and outs of making records, selling records, growing a following, etc.


If all else fails, start your own label. You can make your own albums, distribute them as you'd wish, and sign on other bands that need a little help. You're not going to make money right off the bat (if that's your hope). If you're serious about making music, you have to realize it's just like any other artform--it takes time to cultivate, it takes time to find your style(s), and it takes time for others to notice.

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As both a sender and receiver of media kits, I would say not to bother with anything beyond a CD and a one-sheet. If they want photos, have hi-res downloadables on your website. Seriously, save the paper and the postage.


A better bet is to go electronic. Have a website and a MySpace page. Exploit the fuck out of them. Look into an account on Sonicbids. That's a nice tool for booking and submitting to festivals.


Start off focusing on your town and state first. Build a nice homebase and then get out as often as you can.


Good luck.

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A better bet is to go electronic. Have a website and a MySpace page. Exploit the fuck out of them. Look into an account on Sonicbids. That's a nice tool for booking and submitting to festivals.



Agreed... check out Sonicbids: www.sonicbids.com A great and affordable way to have a really professional looking electronic press kit. And no postage involved!!

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