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dammit - im going to see magnolia electric co. tonight. don't they re-air that night's episode at some obscene hour? is it 3.30? anyone know? i really don't wanna miss this.


They don't usually reair the same episode the same nite, it's like a few weeks later. I'd bet it'll be on you tube though, and can't you buy Conan episodes from iTunes?


Back to the album, I freakin' love it, and think Dawn's vocals are beautiful.

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her vocals are pretty, it's just i would enjoy the record more with her vocals not playing such a prominent role.


kinda like Jenny's vocals on the last MEC record, one of the reasons i wasn't too big on it and like the new one more.

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  • 3 months later...

I am a HUGE fan of Bonnie Prince Billy/Will Oldham. So, when he releases a new album I like to hold on to it for a while before I listen to it, as a treat to myself. I finally got this as a Christmas present and have been listening to it daily ever since. Oldham is a music genius. Standout tracks for me are:


Love Comes To Me

Cursed Sleep

Lay and Love

I Called You Back


I agree that Dawn's voice is beautiful, however some of the songs I would have liked to been just Will.

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