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Octoberquest 2006

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Yeah, but since they are losing Glavine (their only consistent starter this year) and Traschel to free agency, they are going to need more starters, and instead of relegating him to the bullpen (which can usually be filled with guys from the minor leagues fairly successfully), they should put him on the mound as a starter. But hey, why think about the reasons somebody says something when you can just ignore them outright because you're mad you lost. :crybaby

I'm all for giving Heilman a shot in the rotation - he did ONE-HIT the Marlins once, after all - but I don't think the team's future hinges upon it. A good setup man is valuable too. Hopefully Aaron won't go all Donnie Moore after last night's gaffe.

I think Glavine will stay with the Mets. I like Trachsel, but que sera sera. So, I'm thinking a rotation of Glavine, Zito or Schmidt, Oliver Perez, John Maine and Gyroball man, with Pelfrey worked in at some point. I'm not sure Pedro Martinez will ever pitch again.

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Yeah, but since they are losing Glavine (their only consistent starter this year) and Traschel to free agency, they are going to need more starters, and instead of relegating him to the bullpen (which can usually be filled with guys from the minor leagues fairly successfully), they should put him on the mound as a starter. But hey, why think about the reasons somebody says something when you can just ignore them outright because you're mad you lost. :crybaby


I think Glavine will be back. I also think Pedro and El Duque will be back. So with those three, and Maine, Pelfrey, Perez, and a potential free agent (depending on Pedro/ElDuque health) I think the rotation is certainly good enough to "compete."


Plenty of teams have won by shortening games to 7 innings. And if the Mets proved anything this year, its that getting 5-6 innings from a starter with a solid bullpen can lead to the NLCS. Why move Heilman out of that role? Especially since the Mets will probably be relying on Glavine, Pedro, Duque at some point next year? Now, I dont know if Heilman will accept that role, but I do think that's the role that he fits best on this team. Obviously, Randolph and Minaya agree, since they didnt move him to the rotation after all the injuries to the rotation. Either way, you can make an argument, but its not a no-brainer.


Oh crap!! Sorry, I forgot. I keep forgetting this. Not only do you know more than everyone on this site about baseball, but you also know more than Willie Randolph and Omar Minaya. You're right. They should move him to the pen because you said so. Why not give Loria a call? The Marlins need your help more than the Mets do at this point.

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Nice job, ESPN Panel O' Experts. Not only did all 19 of you pick a team that ended up not making it to the World Series to win it all, but you also all picked a team that didn't make it to be the loser. That's right, not one single expert correctly picked one single league champion. Experts.




Would you have picked either team?

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I'm no Sox fan, but I'm having trouble believing that you really feel as though its better to be terrible than to compete for most of the year.


Better? No. Impossible to be dissapointed and/or insulted? You bet. I've been a Cubs fan my whole life, nothing fazes me. A lot of Sox smack talk on here all season long...only to have it just fade away, just like the playoffs. All i'm saying.


Now, i'm just rooting for your Tigers to off the Cardinals and it'll be a good season.

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Would you have picked either team?


I gave the Cards a good chance at the opening of the playoffs. Not as much for the Tigers. But I'm not an expert. These guys are. Supposedly.


I should also point out that zero of them picked the Tigers to get out of the first round, and only one guy picked the Cardinals to win their first round series.


My point was less to mock their picks though, and more to mock the idea of experts in general. Why are these guys paid to share their baseball knowledge? They don't know any better than the fans.


Better? No. Impossible to be dissapointed and/or insulted? You bet. I've been a Cubs fan my whole life, nothing fazes me. A lot of Sox smack talk on here all season long...only to have it just fade away, just like the playoffs. All i'm saying.


Now, i'm just rooting for your Tigers to off the Cardinals and it'll be a good season.



Fair enough.

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You seriously think that after the season we just had any of that shit'll faze me...we didn't choke when it was time to get it done, we were DOA baby. Go Sox.


Just for you, COOL-ie poo :cheekkiss




Team photo. Sorry, a bit blurry so no caption of who they were.





Pregame festivities....maybe.





A picture of an actual game, though sadly, we don't know which one. Exciting!





Nice pennant! You could probably pick up a reproduction pretty cheap since the real ones are few and far between. People couldn't have possibly thought it'd be nearly a century and STILL no World Series win. So... in the Cubs world, does "repeat" mean "in the same century"? Better get right on that!





Bleacher bums from 1908. A bit more upscale than today's variety, dontcha think?


Now you can just repeat over and over! Fun!

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What's this with this talk of the Cardinals going every year? They went in 2004 and before that they had not been since 1987......


I honestly don't expect the Cardinals to win the World Series and I have a lot of respect for the Tigers team this year. Of course I WANT the Cardinals to win, and I am on cloud nine today......but, I am also realistic. I am just looking forward to a good series. I hope the Cards show up. Their injuries and inconsistency are problems.


And I will watch those Sox DVDs until I am old.....those weeks in October last year were some of the best of my life. It was such a fun time. I am missing the Sox something wicked right now......and in that respect am looking forward to April.


Go Cardinals!!! :) I love Yadi.

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I didn't actually click the link. I had thought they were beginning of the season predictions. I might've picked the Tiggers.


If it were pre-season picks, then certainly everyone would be off the hook for not picking the Tigers. I am an optimistic fan, and I was calling for an 85-88 win season, with a solid third-place finish in the division. And I would have been very happy with that.


Back to baseball -- the greatest game in the history of games:


I say Detroit in 6.





Everyone picking the Tigers is just bizarre. Doesn't matter that they were good all season, I still can't believe they're now the favorites in the World Series. Crazy. That being said, I say Tigers in 6 (and just because of I'm saying that, it will be Cardinals in 4 or 5).


What's this with this talk of the Cardinals going every year? They went in 2004 and before that they had not been since 1987......


But they've now been in the playoffs in 6 of the last 7 years. I think that's what people meant. They're certainly not strangers to the post-season. The Tigers were last in the playoffs in '87. Since then, the Cards have been in the playoffs 8 times including this year.

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Everyone picking the Tigers is just bizarre. ... I still can't believe they're now the favorites in the World Series. Crazy. That being said, I say Tigers in 6 (and just because of I'm saying that, it will be Cardinals in 4 or 5).


MrRain - you are exactly right. I hate it when my team is picked by all the "experts". (Not that it happens often, mind you). Usually its the curse of death. Just ask Yankee fans. I'm pulling for ya, though.

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