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Vinyl collectors step in side please

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dont know what its like in the states but most of his albums are pretty easy to find on vinyl here. the ones that are a bit of a problem are Under red sky and everything that came after.


i'm talking in 2nd hand terms... brand new they can be found or ordered but tend to be pricey.


heh, even the Dylan album from 73 is easy to find as well, but costs a bit more obviously

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I had a bitch of a time finding the new album on vinyl. I have it now, but damn, what a pain in the arse it was. I think they may have just underestimated the demand, but I spent three straight wkds going to every record store I know in Greenwich Village only to hear the following response: "sorry, we are out. should be getting another shipment next week."


FInally found it on ebay. Even then, it took the store 2 wks to even ship it out.

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If your not to picky about which pressing you can find at least all the 60s and 70s , and I'm sure most of the 80's stuff as most people that owned those albums liquidated them. However the Bootleg Series and Biograph are boxes and wouldn't frame too well. BLS 1-3 is rare on vinyl and would cost you several hundreds of dollars.


Your just getting em for the covers right?


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  MattZ said:
I had a bitch of a time finding the new album on vinyl. I have it now, but damn, what a pain in the arse it was. I think they may have just underestimated the demand, but I spent three straight wkds going to every record store I know in Greenwich Village only to hear the following response: "sorry, we are out. should be getting another shipment next week."


FInally found it on ebay. Even then, it took the store 2 wks to even ship it out.

Are you as disappointed in the flimsy packaging as I am? The album cover flops around like a Dali soft clock after I take out the vinyl. :no

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  Mister Stevens said:
Are you as disappointed in the flimsy packaging as I am?


I hear ya. I am disappointed in the packaging. I have love and theft on vinyl too, and that doesnt even flip open. They just shove two LPs into the one cover sleeve. I can live with the packaging though -- I am much more disappointed in the whole two songs on one side bit. Breaks up the album way too much. Who wants to get off their ass to flip the first side after two songs?


The good news: I think Workingman's Blues sparkles on the vinyl. That was the song that jumped out at me as sounding better on vinyl than the CD. I just got it the other day though, so I will spending much time this weekend listening to the vinyl. I also treated myself to YHF on vinyl, so this will be a vinyl wkd. I love vinyl. I love weekends.

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  LouieB said:
Is anyone really surprised that Columbia is putting out shoddy covers? They aren't very invested in vinyl releases anyway anymore.




I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but everything that I have seen and heard is that the Modern Times LP is on backorder everywhere you look -- including the label's webpage. So there is clearly a demand for it. I dont think its a stretch to think that the label would have put more effort into something so heavily in demand. But there I go again putting faith in record labels.


And one other thing -- back a few weeks ago when there was all this discussion on here about how this new album wouldnt last because it was just toe-tapping blues that would get old (TheMaker)? Guess what. It hasn't gotten old yet. In fact, its getting better.

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  MattZ said:
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but everything that I have seen and heard is that the Modern Times LP is on backorder everywhere you look -- including the label's webpage. So there is clearly a demand for it. I dont think its a stretch to think that the label would have put more effort into something so heavily in demand. But there I go again putting faith in record labels.


And one other thing -- back a few weeks ago when there was all this discussion on here about how this new album wouldnt last because it was just toe-tapping blues that would get old (TheMaker)? Guess what. It hasn't gotten old yet. In fact, its getting better.

I think Modern Times may be one of the best things Dylan has done in the last 10 years, even better than the previous two studio albums. I listen to it all the time and haven't gotten sick of it yet.


As for vinyl collectors, the fact remains that vinyl is a very very small market; in fact most people other than us don't even know vinyl is for sale anymore. Ask some of your non-music collecting friends and if you tell them they can buy vinyl albums they will look at you like you are crazy. Mostly vinyl is being put out by small labels (Touch and Go, etc.) reissues (Sundazed) and limited major label releases, just for the hell of it. We may be seeing the last gasp of vinyl these years....get them while they are hot.



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  LouieB said:
I think Modern Times may be one of the best things Dylan has done in the last 10 years, even better than the previous two studio albums.


Hey Lou - not to give you a hard time, but Time out of mind came out 9 years ago. 1997. So in the last ten years he has put out the previous two studio albums. So your statement is redundant. :lol


Seriously though, and because I assume you meant its the best album he's made in a long time (as opposed to the last ten years), which do you think it is the best since? I adore Oh Mercy which is from 1989, but this may be better than Oh Mercy too.


Not that it really matters where it ranks, but things are slow here, and its always a good time to talk Dylan.

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  MattZ said:
Hey Lou - not to give you a hard time, but Time out of mind came out 9 years ago. 1997. So in the last ten years he has put out the previous two studio albums. So your statement is redundant. :lol


Seriously though, and because I assume you meant its the best album he's made in a long time (as opposed to the last ten years), which do you think it is the best since? I adore Oh Mercy which is from 1989, but this may be better than Oh Mercy too.


Not that it really matters where it ranks, but things are slow here, and its always a good time to talk Dylan.

Never a bad time to talk about Dylan...Yea I am the Director of the Department of Redundancy Department to be sure. I do kind of think that overall this album is better than Time or Love and Theft. I find it very fun and very listenable. The previous two albums in the past ten years are both excellent, but both rely a bit too much on your standard blues. Both albums also have some very strong non-blues material as well so it is pretty hard to say this one is better than the other two, but few artists of Dylan's age have put together what is a third (or fourth) string of three exceptional albums in their career. I find this one a stitch that he has taken overtly recognizable material and shaped it into something original.


Oh Mercy is a great album as well and Dylan's discussion of it in Chronicles is very enlightening. Considering Dylan was in the middle of a major creative funk makes Oh Mercy a mircle of sorts. I guess chalk it up to Daniel Lanois getting the most out of Dylan when Don Was couldn't get shit out of him during the dreadful Under the Red Sky (which may be Dylan's worst album ever and why anyone would want even the cover on their wall is beyond me.) Oh Mercy is Dylan's post born again appocalyptic rock at its best.


I have not collected every single Dylan album on vinyl but I do own Oh Mercy on vinyl as well as the entire rest of his works prior to that time. Back in the 70s a friend took a series of pictures of me with my Dylan albums spread out all over the place. It seemed kind of fun at the time actually, if rather self indulgent. I suppose someone will bring those pics to my funeral if they know they exist. They are pretty funny actually.



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  Analogman said:
I still fail to see how this album is good - on vinyl or cd.
The new one? It is good. Simple as that....(it may not be a 5 star album like RS gave it, perhaps only 4.5.)


Unfortunately everything Dylan has ever done is compared to his all-star run in the 60s and he simply can't get away from that.


I don't know who is more of an old curmudgeon, me or A-man, but it stands up just fine next to the vast majority of indie rock released by the boatload these days. Dylan can still turn a phrase, both lyrically and vocally, compared to artists half his age. And it is head and shoulders above just about everything made by Dylan's contemporaries .



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  LouieB said:
The new one? It is good. Simple as that....(it may not be a 5 star album like RS gave it, perhaps only 4.5.)


Unfortunately everything Dylan has ever done is compared to his all-star run in the 60s and he simply can't get away from that.


I don't know who is more of an old curmudgeon, me or A-man, but it stands up just fine next to the vast majority of indie rock released by the boatload these days. Dylan can still turn a phrase, both lyrically and vocally, compared to artists half his age. And it is head and shoulders above just about everything made by Dylan's contemporaries .



Well Put

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Clearly it is a slow afternoon at the office after a 3 day weekend.....


  Analogman said:
It just does not move me. Maybe it is just the music - it sounds if it is being played by a house band on one of those star search shows.

Hey listen to Sufjan Steven's Illinois a few more times then.....


  mjpuczko said:
no shit lou. the lyrics on modern times are great & his phrasing of them. it's not the 60's output, get over it. nothing ever will be

Yea, give the guy a break, he changed the face of modern popular music and still finds some inspiration to release a decent and somewhat entertaining album every few years. You can hardly get that out of Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney or dozens of other older artists (the exception being Neil Young, but even he has put out more than a few duds of late. Even Tom Waits is beginning to put out the same album over and over again.) Hell Brian Wilson had to reserect 40 year old material to put out a decent album.





  Analogman said:
I don't even bother buying Neil Young albums - last one I bought was the stinker Harvest Moon.
Actually I think Harvest Moon is one of the better Neil Young efforts of recent years... (see my comments above...)



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