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You should probably send him a strongly worded letter reminding him of his promise.


Don't worry, I have done already. But, apparently he's got to run it by Steven and Harrison before he thinks it's worthy of a responce or not, though. However, if he doesn't reply in quite the way I hoped in my mind back when I wrote it, I'm going to send him it again with some pointless embellishments and call it my special edition complaint, and leave the stamp off - after he's paid for ostensibly reading the same letter twice, he'll see my point. Then, just to top it off, I'll send it to him again without the changes. That's my plan, anyway.

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I watched Empire last night; actually I ate too much, watched Luke get smashed by the snow beast, and woke up to Luke and Leigh looking out at the Millenium Falcon as it flys away.

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Don't worry, I have done already. But, apparently he's got to run it by Steven and Harrison before he thinks it's worthy of a responce or not, though. However, if he doesn't reply in quite the way I hoped in my mind back when I wrote it, I'm going to send him it again with some pointless embellishments and call it my special edition complaint, and leave the stamp off - after he's paid for ostensibly reading the same letter twice, he'll see my point. Then, just to top it off, I'll send it to him again without the changes. That's my plan, anyway.

Make sure you send it on parchment and CD as well as the regular paper, too.

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I use to watch that show - Young Indy or whatever it was called. The first Indiana Jones movie was the first movie I ever saw in a theater without the parental units or JD goober throwing friends being around.

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I use to watch that show - Young Indy or whatever it was called. The first Indiana Jones movie was the first movie I ever saw in a theater without the parental units or JD goober throwing friends being around.

River Phoenix wasn't in that -- he was in Last Crusade.


I'd forgotten about that TV show.

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Anyway, I thought he said after star wars was out the way he was going back to making smaller films like THX1138 didn't he?
He adds the film will be a "character piece"


Indiana Jones and the Leaky Tub

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