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Only mentally ill people will consider any candidate's middle name (or first or last name for that matter) as reason to vote or not to vote for them. Seriously, that's just stupid.

You live in the U.S., right? Are you seeing a lot more smart people than the rest of us?

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I think a lot of people won't like him because he's black.


And perhaps there are some people out there who think that the fact that his middle name happens to be the same as the last name of a dictator means something...but those people wouldn't vote for him anyway.


Democrats certainly won't care what his middle name is. And middle of the road folks won't either. Those who will make a stink about it wouldn't vote for him anyway because he's black. His name would just be something else for them to get wound up about, but it isn't a difference maker.

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Guest tandylacker

If Hilary becomes the democrats front runner, you democrats are going to be screwed.


I haven't heard a whole lot about Obama, but he definitely seems to be a viable candidate and may get my vote. I would never vote for Hilary though--most likely any woman for that matter.


Personally I will likely be going for John McCain. That is to say if the elections were held tomorrow. Even though Bush is a zealot of the worst kind, he means well and has his convictions--which is more than you can say about me. Republicans also have a guy named Mitt Romney running, he seems like he might win. Senators never win, I don't think a senator ever has one actually. Mitt's a governor, they connect better with people. He's a mormon though...



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Guest tandylacker
was that, "won"?


*cough* KENNEDY *cough*


Ha! I'm usually on top of that... The 'won-one' debacle... Wow... Oh...


Kennedy and Harding are the only two Senators in history to become presidents...


I didn't think that was true, clearly forgot about Kennedy. Harding, just didn't know.



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My ideal ticket would be Clark/Obama. Obama/Clark would be fine too.

I've mulled this over for awhile, and I think you're definitely onto something here Mr. Rain. Strategy-wise, that is a tough ticket. My only thing about Obama is his lack of experience in the national arena. But of course W. didn't have ANY experience in damn near anything & he won! So, hmmm...


The ideal Dem candidate: someone with the foriegn policy expertise of Biden, the brains & political savvy of Hillary, the passion & gift for extemporaneous speaking of Kucinich, and the charisma of Obama. Maybe Barack HAS all those qualities...he's just too new to me to make an informed decision.


This could be one of the most interesting primaries in my lifetime...

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Guest tandylacker


Yes, I'm a monkey. I can't imagine myself ever voting a woman into office. But there aren't very many powerful women to choose from anyhow. Nancy Pelosi? Yeah right. It's not the reproductive organs that are holding me back bobobobobobo13131313. I do not know of any legitimate possible female candidates for president. Probably never will be.


Hilary Clinton is just too extreme. Nancy Pelosi is just too extreme/nuts. Anyone else?




Anybody hear the joke on Martin Luther King day/Human Rights day, "Do you celebrate Martin Luther Coon day?"


I work in construction and someone asked me that.... I could not believe I actually heard someone say that, in person, and actually mean it. Most racist thing I have heard. :no At least in person...

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Jesus, Megan, get a grip, will you?

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Guest Speed Racer

I agree with Tandylacker that governors will probably end up as the candidates. You can 'McCain' all you want, but I'll bet good money that Pawlenty will be representing the GOP in '08.


When Obama was a state rep, he was meeting with a committee that my friend's dad was on, and in the dead of winter after the meeting Obama jumped his car for him when it wouldn't start. It wasn't an amazing thing, it wasn't something that I would expect all future presidents to do, but when my friend told me when Obama was running I thought, hey, he's a nice guy.


ON THAT NOTE, my dad was asking me in '00 why I didn't think Bush would be a good president. I said he reminded me a lot of our neighbor, Bill. Great guy, and he has the best barbeques on the block. Always glad to help you out. But would I want Bill in the White House? No.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I think a lot of people won't like him because he's black.


And perhaps there are some people out there who think that the fact that his middle name happens to be the same as the last name of a dictator means something...but those people wouldn't vote for him anyway.


Democrats certainly won't care what his middle name is. And middle of the road folks won't either. Those who will make a stink about it wouldn't vote for him anyway because he's black. His name would just be something else for them to get wound up about, but it isn't a difference maker.


but he only wins if some of those people who might not normally vote Democratic vote for him. He loses a state or two close because of his name or skin color and there's anoter good old boy in the white house. I say this ain't the time to be farting around trying to prove good principled points.

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Guest Speed Racer
I say this ain't the time to be farting around trying to prove good principled points.


But he's also the most viable person to a lot of people on account of his platform and voting record. I wouldn't care if he were whiter than a debutante ball, he's got the goods.

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Nothing, except the obvious political connections and a good ol boys Nixon era cabinet to do his thinking for him.

Which is precisely the reason he has been president for two terms. The military/oil machine is one of the most imbedded, powerful forces moving this nation right now.


This war is about making money. Getting out of the war will be about making money. At the expense of us, the taxpayers. (Not to mention those that have lost their expendable lives.) George Bush is the dumb face on an insidious cancer, destructive and strong. Don't kid yourself.


It's going to take a great deal more than an erudite, pretty "face and voice" to be victorious over that.

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Guest Speed Racer
"a lot"


meaning liberal people who post on message boards?


People who DON'T want to run Obama on account of his race (the ruse of 'playing it safe') are far bigger turds to me than people who want to run him because of his race.

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awesome. thanks for weighing in. he also has no national campaign experience either. but lets not let that get in the way of reality. i think obama is a clever ruse at this point. he gets some national exposure for a run somewhere down the road and he attracts a lot of attention away from whomever finally gets the nod.



oh, and I'm rubber and you're glue...... :rolleyes

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Guest Speed Racer
he also has no national campaign experience either.


Clinton and Bush, of course, campaigned nationally for both of their gubernatorial positions...And don't forget Kerry, Dole and Edwards' senate campaigns, if we include runners-up.

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