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what kinda of music is this? i'm just wondering, because Dowe's has always strictly been a jazz club.



Familiar with the Watermelon Men or Chesterfield Kings? They're nothing like that. :no



Here's one song





Other samples?


Check their a/v page:





But, you gotta believe he's gonna pull out a Galaxie500 and/or Luna song(s) for these dates.

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what kinda of music is this? i'm just wondering, because Dowe's has always strictly been a jazz club.

It's not jazz, it's more like 60s/70s pop. It makes me think of a modern American version of late 60s French pop.


The new record is all pretty much more upbeat than the mp3 posted earlier, I think they have some of the songs on their myspace page. It'd be in my top 10 of the year so far but that doesn't mean much at the moment.

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  • 5 years later...

Not quite sure where to put this but last night I went to what was advertised as a Discussion with Dean & Britta. It was hosted/moderated by a Harvard Law School Professor, Jonathan Zittrain, who writes a lot about the internet. There were only about 20 people there which was sort of cool. They showed some clips of their Andy Warhol movies and then asked them lots of questions. Given Zittrain's background, some of the conversation was about file sharing and how the internet has changed the music industry. The quesitons from the audience ranged from standard ("Do you like all of your albums the same amount?") to the unusual ("What is your favorite taking acid story?").

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