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The White Rapper Show

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I had no idea this even existed until yesterday, I mean horrible. That goes for everyone invovled. What a joke.

I really hoped to see Serch dance a little. But as a TV Train Wreck goes, I had to watch. One episode that is. :blink :dancing :shifty :stunned :thumbup



I really liked how the winners got lap dances (On the episode I watched), good shit.


I'm willing to bet Greg has every episode Tivo'd Bro!

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I liked Ice-T's Rap School better. I'm a connoisseur of VH1's crap progamming, but I've only seen a few episodes of The White Rapper Show and none of I Love New York. At least it's crap that knows it's crap and doesn't try to be anything more. (A la all the E! specials about the cultural significance of MTV's The Real World et al.) It's metacrap.

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