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So, how did everyone do last night. I got some stats from Beltran and Reyes, and I'm glad I didn't try to get Carpenter.


Today I've got Johan, Jose Contreras, and Derek Lowe going for me in my pay league, and all of my hitters are scheduled to play today. Let's get this season off on the right foot, guys.

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So, how did everyone do last night. I got some stats from Beltran and Reyes, and I'm glad I didn't try to get Carpenter.

I have Carpenter in teh VC league. He'll recover. Rolen went 0-3 for me last night.


Today I have Brandon Webb, Derek Lowe, and Jose Contreras on the mound. Yes, I have four opening-day starters on my roster. :)

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I had Glavine, Reyes and Pujols in various leagues. That sixth inning for Glavine made what would have been an outstanding opening outing merely good. Pujols didn't do anything, but I doubt that will continue for long. Listening to Joe Morgan go on and on about how the fake-to-third-pickoff-at-first ruse is illegal, despite the fact that he's been talking about it forever AND NOBODY FUCKING AGREES WITH HIM OR ELSE SOMETHING WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE ABOUT IT BY NOW bugged me a little. [obligatory posting of www.joemorganmustdieorwhatever.com]

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I don't like Morgan, but he's hardly the worst of the sports analysts out there *cough*billwalton*cough*


Morgan is by far the worst. I like it when he says something that is completely incorrect and then the stats or replay prove that he was wrong and he just starts mumbling his point for the next 10 seconds.


OK, maybe Joe Buck is worse, but not too much worse.

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To me, no one will every match the fucknuttery of Bill Walton. The man is a total moron, completely insane, and he feels he needs to talk all the time. I hate him so much that I hate his whole family (I'm talking to you, Luke).

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To me, no one will every match the fucknuttery of Bill Walton. The man is a total moron, completely insane, and he feels he needs to talk all the time. I hate him so much that I hate his whole family (I'm talking to you, Luke).


I like Luke a lot more than I like Bill. Gotta love a big goofy looking white dude playing center for the Los Angeles Lakers.

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As much as I dislike Joe "The game was better 30 years ago when I played" Morgan, I cannot stand McCarver. In fact, 9/10 I will mute the game if he's on. He has the crotch of the Yankee's firmly entrenched in his mouth.

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In my roto money league, Reyes was the only one I had in the game. In my b league, which is head-to-head, I have Beltran. Tried to get Carpenter in the roto league, but the guy drafting before me took him just as I was going to snag him. Glad not to have last night's numbers, but for the year I'd imagine I'd still like to have him around.


Morgan is horrible, and I hate Bill Walton, but neither are nearly as bad as Tim McCarver. My most hated sports TV guy is Hawk Harrelson, but I think the flat out worst has to be McCarver.

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Ahhh, the annual Hawk Harrelson rag.


I'm with you 100%, though. I wish he gone from broadcasting.


I know, I know....you're a White Sox fan and he's "your" guy, but christ on a bender is he wretched to listen to.

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Ahhh, the annual Hawk Harrelson rag.


I'm with you 100%, though. I wish he gone from broadcasting.


I know, I know....you're a White Sox fan and he's "your" guy, but christ on a bender is he wretched to listen to.

I've never minded him. I sort of understand why others don't like him, but to me he's just another announcer.


Do I get tired of his catchphrases? Yep. Do they bother me all that much? Nope.

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I'm sure Harrelson is not as grating to White Sox fans. But since I only watch him when they're playing my team, his homerism really grates, and the endless string of catchphrases is unbearable. And yeah, I know all local sports broadcasters are homers, but he's worse than most. I believe you've said the same about Rod Allen, cryptique, who I always have just found to be a loveable idiot, so I don't know, maybe it's just me being an out-of-towner.

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I watch a shitload of baseball games and have yet to come across a broadcaster as blatantly biased in his coverage than Hawk. Personally, it interferes with my enjoyment of the game to have the guy calling it incessantly whining about unfair calls (balls/strikes even) whenever "his" team is on the "wrong" end.


I think if he covered games for the Red Sox I'd feel the exact same way, too.

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I'm sure Harrelson is not as grating to White Sox fans. But since I only watch him when they're playing my team, his homerism really grates, and the endless string of catchphrases is unbearable. And yeah, I know all local sports broadcasters are homers, but he's worse than most. I believe you've said the same about Rod Allen, cryptique, who I always have just found to be a loveable idiot, so I don't know, maybe it's just me being an out-of-towner.

:lol Probably wasn't me, because I'm not entirely sure who Rod Allen is. Tigers announcer?


I watch a shitload of baseball games and have yet to come across a broadcaster as blatantly biased in his coverage than Hawk. Personally, it interferes with my enjoyment of the game to have the guy calling it incessantly whining about unfair calls (balls/strikes even) whenever "his" team is on the "wrong" end.


I think if he covered games for the Red Sox I'd feel the exact same way, too.

The thing is, I find Harrelson to be less of a homer than a lot of announcers. Sure, he cheers for the White Sox -- I expect him to, as I expect all team announcers to cheer for their teams. But Hawk is no idiot -- when the replay shows that the play was not in the Sox' favor, he says so, consistently. Close plays at the plate or a base, balls and strikes, whatever -- he's the first one to speak up, even when it's to the Sox' detriment. He also doesn't seem to have any qualms about questioning moves made by the manager during games, or even by the front office. He's just a call-it-like-he-sees-it kind of guy.


His personality is definitely the sort that I imagine a lot of people find grating, though, and that's probably why there's so much Hawk-hate out there. But the argument that he's a homer -- more so than any other announcer -- is pretty weak, in my opinion.

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:lol Probably wasn't me, because I'm not entirely sure who Rod Allen is. Tigers announcer?


Yeah, he does the Tigers games, along with the ugliest man on television, Mario Impemba.


The thing is, I find Harrelson to be less of a homer than a lot of announcers. Sure, he cheers for the White Sox -- I expect him to, as I expect all team announcers to cheer for their teams. But Hawk is no idiot -- when the replay shows that the play was not in the Sox' favor, he says so, consistently. Close plays at the plate or a base, balls and strikes, whatever -- he's the first one to speak up, even when it's to the Sox' detriment. He also doesn't seem to have any qualms about questioning moves made by the manager during games, or even by the front office. He's just a call-it-like-he-sees-it kind of guy.


Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?

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I despise Hawk - but I do think he can be fair when it comes to the close calls......


Hawk isn't even calling this inning right now (bottom of 2nd) he must be out of the booth drinking heavily and throwing things.

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Today I have Brandon Webb, Derek Lowe, and Jose Contreras on the mound. Yes, I have four opening-day starters on my roster. :)

...and a fat lot of good that's doing me.


Contreras. Damn.


I suppose Lowe can still right the ship and not have such a bad day.


Webb better be sharp tonight. :hmm

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Ben Sheets threw a complete game 2-hitter today. Rare enough to see complete games at all nowadays, let alone in the first game. I would be expecting more than 3 K a game from him, but hell, if he throws like this every game I won't complain.

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Yeah, he does the Tigers games, along with the ugliest man on television, Mario Impemba.

Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?

i do morning stock at costco and mario came in one day wearing fox sports jacket and shirt and he is even more ridicioulous looking in person. i told him that we love to play the rod allen drinking game.

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