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27 March 2007


Beastie Boys Announce



here's a few things you might wanna know about..


1. we have a new record coming out

2. it's gonna be sick

3. we're playing a bunch of shows this summer (see below)

4. they're gonna be sick

5. we're gonna play some instrumental only shows also... (you know..drums..bass..guitar..keyboard..percussion..)

6. better call your doctor..cause they're gonna be sick

7. it's gonna be a gala event

8. we're changing up the website...sick

9. got new gear coming soon...again...sick..

10. go see a tailor and get tapered up...


see you soon....beastie boys




It'll either be sick...or pathetic.

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I generally don't like to post negative comments in threads, but you asked for it.

The question I have for y'all is, "do the Beasties Boys matter any more?" There was a time when popular music seemed to rise and fall with what they did.

They matter to me. That's all I need. If I was influenced by some vague feeling that a band is less "important" than they used to be, I would stop trying to find stuff I like and get on board with Mix 98.5 24/7.


Now I think time as exposed them for the one note act they really are. Don't get me wrong they made some great music (Paul' Boutique being one of my favorites),

A one note act that made great music? That may not be a contradiction, but it sure is a left-handed criticism. Paul's Boutique is almost 20 years old. Has time exposed it for what it is yet? Keep me updated please. :)


but TT5B was an awful attempt at anything remotly interesting.

You were disappointed in it, that's cool. I was disappointed in Hello Nasty. I don't own that one. I hardly ever listen to Ill Communication anymore. TT5Bs, which was released years after I'd given up completely on the Beasties, still gets a spin every month or so. It's good shit.


The lryics are quasi - political rants that make the songs to serious and suck the fun out of songs and the band.

You're talking about at most 20% of the lyrics. The rest are along the lines of the following: "I'm a hip hop scholar while you're left back/So Jeckle and Rush go back to Lefrac/I'm a simple man like Chance the Gardener/Working 9 to 5 like Dolly Parton" What's not fun about that?


When did we ask the Beasties to save us?

We didn't. When did we ask Jeff Tweedy to write a poetry book? We didn't. Artists do what they want. And while I can't defend the quality of their anti-right wing rhymes, I've got their back if they need to spit them.


And musically it was no better then License to Ill which they made when they were teenagers.

22,21, and 20 years old, actually.

Still, what's your point? You have to be in your mid-twenties or older to make good music? Licensed To Ill is regarded as a stone cold hip-hop classic, and rightfully so. You know there are other songs than "Girls" and "Fight For Your Right" on that, ah?


I would like to bring up the case of the SNL skit Lazy Sunday, which I think really showed us how lame the Beasties have become. Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell did a better job of doing the "Beastie Boys" then Beasties did with TT5B.

I don't even know where the hell to come from to this one. Lazy Sunday showed us how lame the Beastie Boys are? I'm lost, completely. Sorry.


I do not have high hopes for this album, mainly cause in the press release they used "sick" way to many times. It might show that yes they are gonna bring the fun back to their songs, but it worries me that they slamed the same joke a dozen times in jsut a few words. It makes me think they have just lost the creative spark that made them so great.

I think you've already made up your mind, but who knows. I was surprised by TT5Bs, maybe you'll be surprised by the new one. And maybe I'll be the one talking shit about the Beasties in this forum six months from now. What goes around comes around. :thumbup

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While the political lyrics on TT5B aren't particuarly insightful, they ARE pretty freaking entertaining:


We have a president we didn't elect

The Kyoto Treaty he decided to neglect.


come on, that's funny!

You think that one's funny, check out "This Govenrment Needs A Tune-Up"! (Caution: Lyrics are douche-chill inducing)

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I like the one that has "fuck you chico man."

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  • 4 weeks later...

From NME:

Beastie Boys name new album

Mike D gets ready for new record and Live Earth gig

4 hours ago


Beastie Boys have revealed exclusively to NME.COM that their new album will be called 'The Mix Up' and will be released in June.


Bandmember Mike D said the follow-up to 2004's 'To The 5 Boroughs' will be "radically different" to its' predecessor. The rockier record will instead hark to the style of the band's classic albums 'Check Your Head' and 'Paul's Boutique'.


Mike D said: "We play instruments on the whole album, as opposed to sampling. There's more rock on there. If you know us you can trace the influences and they're no completely surprising. Someone who listens to us casually might think 'What the hell are these guys doing?'


"It might make you flip your wig right off, or your hairpiece, if you're a casual listener."


The star also talked about the band's forthcoming appearance at the London leg of the Live Earth shows, which aim to promote action to confront global climate change.


Beastie Boys will perform at Wembley Stadium alongside the likes of Madonna, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Snow Patrol.


Speaking about the cause, Mike D said: "It's come to the point where drastic measures have to be taken now. To really create a mass consciousness of what needs to be done, mass action, it's gonna take mass awareness. And these huge concerts around the globe are probably one of the best means of doing so."


Asked if he would be playing any new material at the event, the star replied: "By that point we'll already be playing new songs. But I dunno - you don't wanna do 'Jazz Odyssey' in front of a crowd of 60,000."




"Jazz Odyssey". :lol "On the bass: Derek Smalls. He wrote this."

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I don't quite understand the reference to Check Your Head and Paul's Boutique as both being "rockier". I think Paul's Boutique has more samples on it than any other record in hip hop history. I definitely wouldn't classify it as heavy on the rock.


Plus, I distinctly remember everyone saying TT5B was the second coming of Paul's Boutique. Now they're saying that one was nothing like PB (agreed) but the new one is. I do remember when Ch-Ch-Check It Out was released.....I thought if the entire album was as sweet as that song my head would explode. That song sounds like PB to me. Not much else though. I guess I'll just be a skeptical bi-otch until I the new record my clammy little hands.


Doesn't really matter to me....TT5B grew on me over time.

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Guest Rufer
Plus, I distinctly remember everyone saying TT5B was the second coming of Paul's Boutique. Now they're saying that one was nothing like PB (agreed) but the new one is.


I think 5 Boroughs was compared to Paul's Boutique not in sound but in the way they chose to rhyme--trading lines, one rhyming to the previous' line, rapping in unison. I think the more recent albums had them trading verses.


This new direction for them seems to be a smart move at this stage in their game. I'm looking forward to it.

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I think 5 Boroughs was compared to Paul's Boutique not in sound but in the way they chose to rhyme--trading lines, one rhyming to the previous' line, rapping in unison. I think the more recent albums had them trading verses.

That makes sense. I never read that distinction though. Just things like "If you love Paul's Boutique you're gonna love TT5B".

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