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Mr Jeff Tweedy Has The Four Page Spread With Abba Segment!

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Friends! How is all? For me summer is coming like the smooth round corner. It is happy time, unless you are an iceberg. Ha Ha! I have news for the Wilco fan and also repeat evidence of Abba love from the Mr Jeff Tweedy. Professor from Stockholm ask me to make skidoo trip to specialist newsagent for Uncut magazine. He say it is specialist import magazine for the discerning gentile. I see many strange magazine at this place, but I will speak no more of it. But by happy coincide, when I ask for this magazine, shop man make wrapping as disguise with other magazine of Uncut name, and make the little wink to me for some reason. I see name of Wilco boys on cover and inside - guess! It is the Mr Jeff Tweedy! In quadruple style!


He make the dirty mouth about the Mr Pete Docherty (I think Mr Jeff Tweedy miss pine influence for the sooth in Oz land - why did not Mr Frog not think to bring wood as special gift?), but he say nowt bad about Sheffield boys! Album of Blue Sky Blue even has picture of the Kes bird making flight in little tribute to the Arctic Monkey boys. They have fine sound on new album, no? All is happy time of that site of web, but never as happy as happy time here! Thanks to all! I make PM to Mr Jeff Tweedy. I tell to him conversation I have with wife Lotti. I say: "Lotti, new album of the Wilco has title Sky Blue Sky". Lotti say to me: "Lars, for Sweden release they should make special edition with Snow White Snow title. This would be fine Swedish joke! I make little puzzle to know if Mr Jeff Tweedy know we here have the twenty three words to describe the snow." Then I say to her: "But Lotti, that is nothing, remember we have forty seven words to describe the taste of asphalt!" Then we have little chuckle, but at this time she make underlying frown of dispproval at me.


But friends, to return to topic subject! Inside article Mr Jeff Tweedy make repetition of love for the Abba. It is fierce joy to see in print once more. And there is the little Pic of the Abba in full shiny glory! I give you the urge to purchase! I recommend! I have not had listening pleasure of the Blue Sky Blue at this time. I wait for special release party disco in our village. I have PM that tell me there is one song that is glorious for the stomp! This will be filler of floor! Can friend here tell me which is best Abba song for next as to make the smooth segueway? Once floor is full, then master DJ must keep crowd together like the expert reindeer herder! There is much to this art, even though Abba weapon of dance choice make it appear simple.


Also in addition to this news, for Lady With Boots I make special diversion now. But maybe it is of interest to all those who have music history zeal. This Lady has the good heart, but it is a heart without special place for the Abba. And that is not a heart in full fierce respect my friends! She is of the Zeppelin rock type. Long and hard (but this is not unusual for me as I am normal Swede, no?) I make the attempt to tame this shrew in style of the Mr William Shakingspear, but she ignore my sonnet poem, all pound of flesh and Sir Toby Belch (he is of the schnapps for sure!). She does not live on a road that has a signpost for Damascus! So, Lady With Boots, here is shock for you! The Led Zeppelin are of the Abba love too! Here I present the snip of interview on tearful close of the Abba Polar Studio. Here the interview man has the chit-chat with engineer Mr Lennart �tlund. Read how John Paul Jones send special package to Mr Benny, and Mr Jimmy Page feel special benefit atmosphere of singing with wood!


We sit down in the control room and Lennart �tlund finally finds a working socket for a CD-player. Proudly I pull out the surprise out of my bag, Led Zeppelin's last album "In through the out door" in a brown paper cover. Lennart was here helping to record it in December 1978. He hasn't really listened to it since then.

-They were here for three weeks, they came on a Monday and left on a Friday. I remember that they weren't allowed to stayed at Grand (Hotel), because the drummer John Bonham had a bad reputation. But they were mellow. No one recognized them when we went out. The most important thing to them was that each week they'd have a cassette to bring home to their wives, as a proof that they had been working.

He sniffs at the fact that three songs are missing on the CD. Then once again John Bonham's powerful drums echo throughout the studio.

-He sat there, in the "stone room" in front of the cloud panel. With two sets of drums, Lennart �tlund remembers. But to get the right echo effect, we moved the speaker for the base drum out to the reception and put a microphone in front of it.

He shows me the wooden room, where the guitar player Jimmy Page stood, and the soft room, the extremely dry, where Robert Plant sang what we're listening to right now.

-Oh, he really sang false there, did you hear it? But it doesn't matter. These days you can correct things like that, but the music hasn't necessarily become any more fun because of that.

We listen to another track. The next song begins with a synthesizer sound which sounds familiar. ABBA? Lennart nods.

-Led Zeppelin liked ABBA. And that is really ABBA's synthesizer, the "Does your mother know"-synthesizer. I even think that Benny got the string sound from John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin's bass- and piano player).

I call Benny back to check with him.

-This is how it was, says Benny. I had the same synthesizer as Led Zeppelin, a so-called dream machine. It was there in the studio. So John Paul Jones just brought his own sounds with him and put them in. He has a fantastic string sound which he had made. "Oh", I said, "that sounds so good, can I have it?"

-Then later I received a package in the mail with four cassettes in it. That string sound appears in many ABBA songs. I still use it quite often.

Such things are usually called music history. But I won't say it.


Now Lady With Boots, do you find a signpost to Damascus?


Friends, I sense some make the uneasy squirm at all this unnecessary with the deep metal of the Led Zeppelin type. Time for change to research! Let us continue with the Abba connection with the Mr Jeff Tweedy. You all have familiarity of story of Mr Jeff Tweedy making devious to purchase the London Calling album as young man when too youthful for exposure to the dirty mouth on this album, no? This is semen haul music influence for Mr Jeff Tweedy in rebel times of the teen angst, when all is nasty wait for ball drop and the frequent spot ointment task. What is special song on this album? It is Brand New Cadillac as made in original form by Mr Vince Taylor and his Playboys band. But my friends - here finger of fate make the strange gesture once more! It is same song as Mr Benny record with Hep Stars when in similar teenage time! Mr Benny and Mr Jeff Tweedy have the intertwining music heritage like the long laces of the winter fur boot!


I leave now, but I give you the little joke fact of the Abba. Triumph sensation of 1974 in Eurovision was not first attempt my friends. No! The Abba had the perseverance of the Jock Mr Robert of the Bruce when watching spider in cave evening rest (for this was in days before invention of the satellite television my friends). In previous year they also made attempt to breakthrough to world market but had the big thwart. They fail in preliminary round to decide Swedish entry for 1973 Eurovision Song Contest. As we say in Sweden, this was a blessing wearing the clothes and false beard so that you do not recognise it. For in that year, special advance in nylon technology made flare trouser and shiny cape a low cost reality for all. But I make the wander from joke fact. Here is joke fact: The Abba were beaten by duo with tune that has chorus ''Your Breasts Are Like Nesting Swallows.'

Lyric to song of Nestling Breasts

It make Eurovision final failure, but in truth it is happy summer song, and useful for the sinking lips if you are in disco event and spy the lovely lady across dancefloor making the eye at you. But, my friends, it is not the Abba by the longest piece of chalk. We all know this. From personal choice of the female form, I think song had better chance of hit if chorus was of comparison to "Nesting Ostrich". That is fine thought on which to depart. Welfare!

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i'm really looking forward to reading Jeff's story about meeting Dylan in this interview. someone should definitely scan the whole damn thing and post it. that's what someone on the Dylan message board did with the the new interview from the 40th anniversary issue of Rolling Stone yesterday. but enough about Dylan...



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Your posts always make me laugh baab... Tho sometimes I do have trouble understanding what you say... ;)

I take it you like ABBA alot, I was wondering if you and Lotti go out to see shows?

Have you ever heard of "Waterloo"? I watched them on a show that talked about ABBA, which made me think of you...

Waterloo is a ABBA tribute band from Sweden...

Have you seen them play and if so are they any good?

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Your posts always make me laugh baab... Tho sometimes I do have trouble understanding what you say... ;)

I take it you like ABBA alot, I was wondering if you and Lotti go out to see shows?

Have you ever heard of "Waterloo"? I watched them on a show that talked about ABBA, which made me think of you...

Waterloo is a ABBA tribute band from Sweden...

Have you seen them play and if so are they any good?

Lady Georgia, I happy to speak! I have the mixed feel on this subject. It is good that any who have the love of the Abba make show as expression of feeling, but from personal view I do not go to such event. I always make little cry at remembrance of times at real Abba show with the wrist scarf wave and fringe of the blow dry style. I have preference instead to make songs with friends as ourselves the Abba impersonation. It is not so difficult when lemon flares are still in wardrobe and hairbrush is easily available as microphone substitute. This is real joy of music, no? Good friend Olsen is excellent Mr Bjorn. I always am Mr Benny. Sometimes I tinkle on piano, but this is fault of sudden schnapps danger strike when in full frenzy of the re-enactment. Professor from Stockholm also has preference for Mr Benny, but he has air of your Mr Liberace with candellabra fascination and cannot make the "rum-pum-pump" in full attack vigour style on end of song of "Chiquitita". In video you see Mr Benny with big log stool! Be careful for the nasty splinter Mr Benny! This was filmed not too far from my village. Each winter we recreate snowman in special ceremony of tribute to that visit. Here is useful tip - When you can no longer sing backing vocal of "

" at full speed then you are not in fit state to be driving skidoo home from party!


Lady Georgia, I have heard legend of Devil paying visit to your village and being the evil soul thief with the little fiddle. Is this just legend like our troll men living under bridge on path to forest?


It is also my confession that the Mr Jeff Tweedy preference for the Dancing Queen is not my choice. Ha Ha! But all are happy to have the different preference under the umbrella of the Abba! That is the Swedish way!

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Lady Georgia, I have heard legend of Devil paying visit to your village and being the evil soul thief with the little fiddle. Is this just legend like our troll men living under bridge on path to forest?


That's gold

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Lady Georgia, I have heard legend of Devil paying visit to your village and being the evil soul thief with the little fiddle. Is this just legend like our troll men living under bridge on path to forest?

:rotfl Priceless...


Yes it is just a legend... Just a great song by the Charlie Daniels Band...

Thanks for talking. Maybe you and Lotti can get out to see some shows sometimes...

Good you and your friends play music together, yes that's real joy of music :D

Love the snowman in video. I wonder who the person is that walked behind snowman during the song?


I've not seen Mr Jeff Tweedy perform Dancing Queen, but I surely would like to see it.

How was the performance by Mr Jeff Tweedy?

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Lady Georgia, I have heard legend of Devil paying visit to your village and being the evil soul thief with the little fiddle. Is this just legend like our troll men living under bridge on path to forest?


can i make this my new signature??

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