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New Dylan compilation on the way

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Is that as confusing as I think, or am i just completely stupid? That site launched in Feb. for people to share things about Dylan, now they're putting out a book of painting/photos inspired by Dylan, and a big Dylan mixtape? I don't get it.

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given the lack of dylan material out there right now id say its about time!


:lol You can never have too much Dylan.


I'm hoping they do another Bootleg Series issue soon, and make it either from the late 1960's to early 1970's period (self portrait kind of stuff) or from his Born Again tours. I doubt it'll happen though, I get the feeling Dylan doesn't like either of those periods so much for some stupid reason.

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:thumbup :thumbup


Any new Dylan stuff is always welcome...even if it's an interesting comp.

I'd still like to know when the rest of the Basement Tapes will be released.....


My fave pic from the Live '66 vinyl box:




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Is that as confusing as I think, or am i just completely stupid? That site launched in Feb. for people to share things about Dylan, now they're putting out a book of painting/photos inspired by Dylan, and a big Dylan mixtape? I don't get it.


"Dylan" is the Hollywood film that is supposed to be released later this year. The one with several actors (including a black woman) portraying the Bobster.


It'll be surrounded by plenty of official hoopla.... Columbia doesn't miss many chances to flog their biggest earner. Though in fairness, most of what they've released the last few years has been in pretty good taste.

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My guess is: when Bob Dylan dies, and probably Robbie Robertson too.


To my knowledge Robertson doesn't hold the rights to any of that stuff (?). I could be wrong. Michael Jackson owned the rights to Dylan's catalog for a while...but I think Sony/CBS bought it back a while ago.


Robbie is a fucking tool. He single-handedly destroyed The Band, the best rock outfit evar. I hold him responsible for Richard Manuel's death too. If you've read Chronicles Vol.1 -- Bob Dylan mentions Robbie in the book only ONCE; and in a very unflattering way. Watch The Last Waltz closely, the rest of The Band made sure Robbie's mic was off....as was the case for most of their shows. Sorry, rant over.... that guy just rubs me the wrong way.

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"Dylan" is the Hollywood film that is supposed to be released later this year. The one with several actors (including a black woman) portraying the Bobster.


It'll be surrounded by plenty of official hoopla.... Columbia doesn't miss many chances to flog their biggest earner. Though in fairness, most of what they've released the last few years has been in pretty good taste.

No, that's I'm Not There. I guess this is another movie.


EDIT: just watched the trailer on that page. A trailer for a fucking compilation. Now I'm annoyed.

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How about some more goddam Bootleg Serieses, for Chrissakes? This will just be yet another opportunity for Columbia to make money off of several bad Dylan songs from several of Dylan's bad albums.

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To my knowledge Robertson doesn't hold the rights to any of that stuff (?). I could be wrong. Michael Jackson owned the rights to Dylan's catalog for a while...but I think Sony/CBS bought it back a while ago.


Robbie is a fucking tool. He single-handedly destroyed The Band, the best rock outfit evar. I hold him responsible for Richard Manuel's death too. If you've read Chronicles Vol.1 -- Bob Dylan mentions Robbie in the book only ONCE; and in a very unflattering way. Watch The Last Waltz closely, the rest of The Band made sure Robbie's mic was off....as was the case for most of their shows. Sorry, rant over.... that guy just rubs me the wrong way.


I think drink and drugs ruined The Band myself. I also think that Dylan not mentioning Robertson in Chronicles has more to do with the fact that the book wasn't interested in the period of time in which Robertson was a part of Dylan's life, rather than anything else. I also also think that without Robbie Robertson you'd have simply had a great band without any actual songs to play, which is not such a good thing to have.

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I think drink and drugs ruined The Band myself. I also think that Dylan not mentioning Robertson in Chronicles has more to do with the fact that the book wasn't interested in the period of time in which Robertson was a part of Dylan's life, rather than anything else. I also also think that without Robbie Robertson you'd have simply had a great band without any actual songs to play, which is not such a good thing to have.


Fair enough...I guess.


In NDH Bob did credit "the guys" in The Band (minus Levon who was working on an oil derrick in the Gulf of Mexico), for sticking with him on the electric tour, through all the hostile fans, press etc.


To the dissenters/naysayers: I would tend to agree some of these moves are crass and commercial -- EXCEPT that Bob Dylan is still making some of his finest records ever, and that is saying a lot. TOOM and L&T were critically acclaimed, and excellent. And Modern Times, which is generally regarded as the third in this blues-roots trilogy, is flat-out one of the most amazing records ever made...by anyone. And he still plays 100 gigs a year! So it's not like Dylan is sitting back on his ass collecting royalties.

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Robbie is a fucking tool. He single-handedly destroyed The Band, the best rock outfit evar. I hold him responsible for Richard Manuel's death too.

Yeah, always a good idea to place blame on someone for their bandmate's suicide. Class.

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So...I've heard of I'm Not There (and can't wait for it), but there is another Dylan movie coming out? I'm confused? :unsure Anyone know what this is about?

It's a compilation Sony's putting out this fall to suck more Dylan fans' $$$$.

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I also also think that without Robbie Robertson you'd have simply had a great band without any actual songs to play, which is not such a good thing to have.


Exactly. Sort of like The Band's career after he left. Robertson had his (well documented) issues. And I believe Levon Helm's claims that he screwed the band over on The Last Waltz, etc. But do we really need to blame him for Manual's death? (not that you did)


The guy wrote some pretty amazing songs, was the creative writing force in one of the most influential bands of all time and was Bob Dylan's handpicked lead guitarist on the most batshit insane rock tour in history. I am willing to cut the guy a bit more slack.


I cut Columbia no slack for this shitty compilation, though. I watched the trailer too. I am such an idiot.

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Awite..sorry for the over the top comments, especially about Manuel. My happy meds haven't kicked in today, or something. I agree in general with the comments about Robbie...great guitarist, very good songwriter. Good businessman too, maybe that's the core of why I don't like him. The self aggrandizing bonus stuff with him and Scorcese on the LW-SE DVD were probably the final straw for me.

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I'm pretty sure we'll see a vol.2 and 3 Chronicles before too long. (i.e. in the next 10 years)


Dylan has to retire (or semi retire) from performing at some point...he's a compulsive writer and a damn hard worker, so apart from the usual womanizing I can't imagine what else he'd do with all the free time. :D

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given the lack of dylan material out there right now id say its about time!
Yea me too...there just aren't any greatest hits, best of, Essential, or any other albums to choose from yet; this is certainly coming in the nick of time.... :lol :lol


My guess is: when Bob Dylan dies, and probably Robbie Robertson too.
The rest of the Basement tapes will not come out any time soon.



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