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Denver: 2 Shows 2 Nights-- 0 Repeats

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Take away any frontman from any band out there,and Wilco(Glenn,Nels,ect..)are by far some of the best musicans I've ever heard.It will always be an apple to oranges comparison on songwriters,but if you can't see the talent these guys have,well,I guess you can't see talent.Just saying this because it makes really easy to wan't more out of a band when you know what these guys are made of.

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Not a attitude, but a reply to a absurd post infering different solos by a guitarist on two songs in a set constitutes variety in a set. That must have taken great thought on the band's part to come up with that. What is next a different cadence by Glenn. Artists that are as talented as Wilco should challenge themselves night in and night out to switch things up more than they do. Why not try out new versions of a song we have heard many times and present it in a new light, ie what Springsteen has done many times (acoustic Born to Run) challenge the fans and not be so predictable, they have it in them to do so.

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WOW that is changing up the set
Even when the set list is similar the songs themselves can change from night to night. And I happen to find it fun to listen for those differences.I think you should have italicized your "is" in addition to the ALLCAPS on the WOW. That would have indicated an additional level of sarcasm that would have really driven your point home.
Why not try out new versions of a song we have heard many times and present it in a new light, ie what Springsteen has done many times (acoustic Born to Run) challenge the fans and not be so predictable, they have it in them to do so.
Maybe because they don't want to? And maybe because Wilco does not exist as a band to please you?
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Also, I highlighted the fact that the songs change from night to night not as a way to illustrate enormous changes in variety every night. I mentioned it as way of illustrating that the band does not have a canned way of playing every song and doesn't just mail in every performance. There is some spontaneity. Just not as much as you'd like.

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I can relate to what david is saying. The band does play their catalog in similar fashion night in/night out for particular tours. I don't have a problem with this, per se, but can understand wanting them to shake it up a little here and there. Nothing wrong with that.


I've seen a lot of bands who thrive on the spontaneity/exploration route for their live material and enjoy it immensely. I've seen Dylan a bunch, and never really seen the same take on his tunes from tour to tour. That's his bag.


I realize what I'm going to get if I catch a few Wilco shows on a given tour and that's smokin' versions of their tunes. They don't vary much from night to night, but it's still entertainment. I'm not sure I'd do an entire Wilco tour for the same reason, though.

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Wilco does what they want. I think it's great just to be able to see them. Sure, it would be great to see more variety, but they aren't going to change their sets just 'cause some highy messed up freak on VC wants them to.


I am far from messed a freak, all I ask for is for Wilco to harness all of their talent and be a bit more creative ie a acoustic version of a familar song they play mostly the same night after night, inserting surprise songs more often, more well chosen covers etc. They are cheating themselves and the fans by not going the extra mile. This is what makes memorable concert experiences.

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