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I think Jeff Tweedy and Ryan Adams should do a Willie & Waylon tour


uh, yes, please! :thumbup

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i agree on dylan/wilco. afterall, dylan did try and get those lyrics that ended up on mermaid avenue (see Chronicles).


I lent my dad my copy of Chronicles quite a while back, so I'm going by my lousy memory here....what I recall he wrote was that when he met Marjorie (and Arlo) at their house on Mermaid Ave., they took a liking to each other, and there was mention of some boxes full of poems down in the basement. And I think he mused a bit on how his path might have gone differently if he'd taken on that project, at age 21 with no original songs much less records under his belt. Come to think of it, I honestly can't recall if these comments were made in Chr1 or in the 2005 interviews in No Direction Home..???


...and then, sometime in the 90's Woody Guthrie's daughter Nora contacted Billy Bragg about it. Is that about right or am I way off..?

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The Beatles, obviously.


Jeff Tweedy and Bruce Springsteen.



I love Springsteen and I love Wilco/Tweedy...but I think this would be a disaster in one sense and wonderous in another.


Disaster: Springsteen has really taken to oversinging (i.e. throaty singing and screaming) and twanging plus he has really fallen in love with twangy singing.


Wondrous: I think it would be a spark for Springsteen to discover his songwriting voice again.


Jeff would benefit because...fuck...it's Bruce Springsteen he would be touring with.

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