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Don't rush out and buy it. There are like one, maybe two, good songs on it. The rest of it is just Yorke's continued demonstration that he really does not like music of any kind.


That's weird - to me HTTT is their most conventional set of songs since The Bends.

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Interesting opinions on Thief. For me, it didn't hold up well except a few tracks. I really liked it when it came out but I don't listen to it much any more. But Eraser was a real grower for me. Once I made myself listen to it a dozen times I started liking it a lot, and a lot more than Thief. Still do. Anxiously awaiting the new one, but expecting it to be a grower too.

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A Wolf at the Door.

:wub Flan in the face! I love that song. And lest we forget "Where I End and You Begin"...so good. Hail To the Thief is a great album, IMO.


I'm definitely excited about the new album, and hopefully another US tour. :dancing

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Well, I relistened to HTTT the other day, and I still didn't like it that much. The song about the fight at the wedding was good, though.

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i like all the songs on HTTT, it's just too long, bloated.

the track order is just horrible, too.

Sail to the Moon as track 3?

something about the sound (maybe mastering) leaves some to be desired, too.


at least they're mixing in NY instead of LA - hopefully not the same guy as HTTT or Amn.


i guess everyone knows a month or so ago Nigel put up a youtube clip with brief snippets of a few of the tracks...it was originally on Dead Air Space, but last time i looked, it didn't seem to show.

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that clip is still up on youtube, i think. searching for LP7 or nigel or some combination of those should pull it up. that clip is the biggest tease ever considering how it's just a slice and dice version of about 5 different songs, most of them barely recognizable, but damn...i want it nooooooooooow.


and yeah, i'm not sure what it is about HTTT that leaves something to be desired. i think the track listing is partially it, but i think they also rushed the recording of it. if you saw them tour after the album was released/listen to bootlegs of the songs then, many have progressed and became much more interesting tracks...all around better tracks, actually. "backdrifts," "go to sleep", "the gloaming" improved immensely. so i dunno, i'm kinda glad they're taking their time in the studio with this one, although the wait is absolutely killing me.

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that clip is still up on youtube, i think. searching for LP7 or nigel or some combination of those should pull it up. that clip is the biggest tease ever considering how it's just a slice and dice version of about 5 different songs, most of them barely recognizable, but damn...i want it nooooooooooow.


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one of the guys who posts over on atease, who apparently is fairly reliable and doesn't BS that much, works at a recording studio or something. according to him, word in the industry is that a major announcement regarding radiohead/LP7 is coming down the pipes at noon on thursday. i haven't read the entire thread, so i'm not sure if that's noon in NA or in the UK, but yeah. trying not to get my hopes up. even if it was just a release date, that'd be nice.


or an album title.


or a tracklisting.


i'll take anything at this point, basically.

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trying not to get my hopes up. even if it was just a release date, that'd be nice.


Everyday I hope for something. The fact that I saw this thread active again gave me palpitations....

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I listened to HTTT maybe a half dozen times then shelved it.


About a month ago, I pulled it out and listened to it during my afternoon run. I really got into it. I started to get that on edge, tweaky, slightly panicked feeling (as usual) about halfway through mile 3 and that made it even better. By the end of mile 4 I was sold.


Lesson? HTTT is best enjoyed during periods of temporary discomfort.

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