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Wilco Your Favorite?

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If I'm going on record I have to say:


1. Bob Dylan

2. The Band

3. Wilco

4. Pavement


btw Mavis Staples is gonna be on Conan tonight if anyone cares. If you've seen Last Waltz Graffiti Bridge you know you may want to see avoid it.

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Two words: Du-uh :P


My favorite band timeline (when they were my favorites):


60s: Beatles

74-77: Tull

78-80: Dead

81-03: U2 (though REM/Pretenders were also big for me at the same time)

05-Present: teh Wilcos

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In terms of being influential, I'd say they're my favorite. I've never come across a band that has completely altered my views of music as an art form, technique and mystery than with Wilco. I've enjoyed many bands in the past, read all I could about them, learned all the guitar chords to their songs, got all their albums, etc. I think, truly, from a musician's standpoint (mine :)) I am constantly wowed by Wilco's constant evolution of sounds while maintaining some degree of consistency. I'm not sure what that consitency is, but I'll settle for it just being what I'd call "being good".


Wilco is my favorite.


edit: 1000th post...yip!

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They're definitely my top "modern" band. I can't place them above the unimpeachable classics of yesteryear, and they haven't had the same level of mass-cultural impact as the Beatles or Dylan, but they are the BEST BAND out there today, for several reasons:


- INTEGRITY: Wilco makes music on their own terms, and they stand up to the forces of corporatism and commercialism that try to put them down

- HONESTY: Jeff Tweedy writes what he feels, and it shines through, even in some of his most abstract pieces

- HUMILITY: especially in its current incarnation, where everyone contributes to the arrangement and each member's input is valued equally. Wilco never pretended to be anything greater or more important than a rock band making music.

- DIVERSITY: their sound is all over the place, from southern rock to Beatlesque pop to noise-damaged folk to sprawling krautrock jams. They refuse to pin themselves down to one sound, yet all their music is unmistakably "Wilco"

- THEY JUST PLAIN ROCK: 'nuff said


Wilco is a band I love, but more importantly, in an age where bands will do anything to gain popularity and exposure, Wilco is a band I respect.

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