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Does anyone else Like Prince?

I really Love his music..

Some of it can be cheesy.. but I really respect him as a musician.

He plays pretty much all of the instruments on his albums..

and the Purple Rain Album is AMAZING.

His voice isnt always the greatest but I still Love it..

I dont know what it is about his music but I really Love it.

Not all of it though..

Only Prince,For You,Parade, Purple Rain, 3121,Musicology,and Planet Earth..

the albums he made in the 90's are weird :o

so are there any prince fans on here??? :)

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I like Prince a lot, but I wish I had never seen him in concert. I saw him in 2003 at the Excel Energy Center (St. Paul). It was awful. It was like a bad Vegas revue of Prince's career--I don't think he played one song in its entirety all night; they were all medleys. Fucking UGH.


That being said, I would concur with "rocks my face off." I'm just trying to block out the Excel Energy Experience. Now if he had been onstage with Morris Day and The Time at First Ave....

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There was a time when Prince was probably my favorite artist (or at least the most influential on me.) I still think he's great, though his musical output has been very spotty since the 90's. Nevertheless he is still one of the most versatile and talented musicians in popular music (anyone that can play all the instruments he can gets my respect.)


I still really love most of his 80's output, especially Purple Rain and Sign "O" the Times. Heck, I even like the Black Album which I bought on vinyl for $30-40 back in the days before it was officially released. Back then he was really a true musical pioneer, introducing unique drum sounds, interesting song arrangements and writing that were miles ahead of everyone else. Unfortunately he's lost a bit of that edge, nevertheless he's still making some interesting music, just not mind blowing like he used to.


I just picked up a DVD copy of the movie Sign "O" the Times which I'm looking forward to seeing again after all these years.

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the band that my friends and I were going to start back in HS (as soon as we all got instruments and learned how to play them) was going to be called The Taste - which was the name of the club that Morris Day and the Time played at in Purple Rain. Prince always seemed to be the only guy back then that everyone could agree on. Even the Goth kids and the Metal heads could at least respect him and understand why everyone else dug him.

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well mostly i like him.

but recently it's just prince doing prince.

i guess he can get away with that because he's prince.

move away from mic to breath

his superbowl halftime show was amazing.

i recently bought 1999 on vinyl, good stuff.

i just farted.

he's one of those artists that i need to see before he dies or just quits

what if wilco covered a prince song?

which song could/would they do?


mostly i like him though.

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yay prince fans!

his half time show was AMAZING

he ripped up that stage with his guitar..

If wilco were to cover a prince song.. hmmm

Purple Rain???

Still Waiting?

Haha I wish!

I need to see him Live!

But I want to see Wilco or Jeff Live!!! that would be AWESOME!

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Crazy talking in blank verse.

Who do you love and who don't you?

Can I get a witness or something like that?

Prince can still rock for an old man.

He seems like a nice enough guy.

Not as sexy as he used to be.

And what is up with Jehovah's Witnesses?

How does that all fit in.

Wow this is fun.



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Can I get a witness or something like that?






Seriously, how many people can play over 20 instruments fluently and write melodies for song after song like it's going out of style? And that's not even mentioning his guitar playing. I mean ... gimme a break ... totally awesome.

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