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technique question

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Ok, so watching the Jeff's solo dvd and also watching the iattbyh dvd, i noticed a lot of times jeff plays with his pick held between his index and middle fingers, and then he picks the bass notes with his thumb. Is this what most of you guys do, or do you hold the pick with your index and thumb?

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Ok, so watching the Jeff's solo dvd and also watching the iattbyh dvd, i noticed a lot of times jeff plays with his pick held between his index and middle fingers, and then he picks the bass notes with his thumb. Is this what most of you guys do, or do you hold the pick with your index and thumb?


Hmmm... I can't imagine that he is actually picking using the pick this way; it doesn't seem like you'd have any control over the pick no matter how much you practiced. I can't be sure without watching the video, but I'd imagine that he was just saving the pick there as other people would palm the pick when they're using their thumbs.


I'm not coordinated enough to have anything in my palm when I use my thumb, so if I want to use the thumb, the pick goes in my mouth. Most of the time, I just use my pick (between the thumb and first finger) and the middle finger (and rarely the third finger).



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yea, but i think he might sometimes hold the pick with his index finger, middle finger, and thumb. i'm not sure, i'll watch it again and see.


Oh, hold it with all three? Yeah, I'll sometimes do that, but rarely since I use my middle finger so much for chicken pickin'. I think Eddie Van Halen plays with the pick between his thumb and middle finger.

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I am actually a bit of a freak. I never play with a pick.


I use thumb for bass and index middle and ring to catch various (and often random) strings.


I sorta travis pick by default. Works well for solo sunken treasure, et. al.

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Jeff likes to stow the pick between the index and middle fingers when he gets to finger-picking passages...at least that's the impression that I've had.


I picked it up too (though mine usually finds a way to get curled up in the shape formed my by ring and pinky fingers), it's quite convenient.

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If I am picking and want to switch to fingers, I can drop my pick and press it against my ring finger with my thumb. Then quickly work it down so that it stays between the meat of my thumb and the bottom of my ring finger. The movement is almost like spinning a ring on your ring finger with your thumb. Then I have my index, middle finger and thumb to finger pick with.


That might make no sense, but it's helpful if you can get it. :P

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