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They put out an all-covers album last year that was REALLY damn good.

Just a great rock band playing the songs that inspired them to play music in the first place.

Excellent versions of:

1 20th Century Boy (Bolan) 3:40

2 Rock On (Essex) 2:53

3 Hanging on the Telephone (Lee) 2:22

4 Waterloo Sunset (Davies) 3:38

5 Hell Raiser (Chapman, Chinn) 3:19

6 10538 Overture (Lynne) 4:30

7 Street Life (Ferry) 3:26

8 Drive-In Saturday (Bowie) 4:07

9 Little Bit of Love (Fraser, Kirke, Kossoff)

10 The Golden Age of Rock 'N' Roll (Hunter)

11 No Matter What (Ham) 2:51

12 He's Gonna Step on You Again (Demetriou, Kongos)

13 Don't Believe a Word (Lynott) 2:19

14 Stay with Me (Faces)


And, here....


Def Leppard always had a streak of glam running beneath their heavy rock -- listen to "Armageddon It" or "Photograph" for proof -- so it's no surprise that when the quintet decided to record a covers album in 2006' date=' they devoted it to the '70s glam and hard rock that inspired them to pick up their guitars and play. What does come as a surprise is that the resulting Yeah! is a sheer delight, a roaring rock & roll record that's their best album since Hysteria. Often, cover albums get bogged down in reverence or ambition, as artists either offer interpretations that are straight copies or fussy reinterpretations as they busily try to make a favorite song their own. That's not the case here. Def Leppard alternate between fairly faithful renditions of familiar classics like T. Rex's "20th Century Boy," Badfinger's "No Matter What," or David Essex's "Rock On," to subtle reinterpretations where they make seemingly difficult covers seem easy and unmistakably Def Leppard. It's true on their streamlined, muscular take on Electric Light Orchestra's swirling, psychedelic "10538 Overture," but it's most notable on their remarkable reworking of the Kinks' "Waterloo Sunset," which now sounds like a power ballad from Hysteria without ever once sounding like it's an affront to the immortal original. This take on "Waterloo Sunset" works because it's informed by a palpable love of the original, and that love is apparent throughout this terrific record. But there are plenty of good covers albums that are fun merely because the band is having a good time. What makes Yeah! exceptional is that Def Leppard is reconnecting with the reason why they're even in a band by playing the rock & roll that inspired them in the first place. They're reinvigorated by this material, and by playing these songs, it's easier to appreciate what makes Def Leppard a great rock & roll band. Compare their versions of Free's "A Little Bit of Love" or Thin Lizzy's "Don't Believe a Word" to the originals -- they're not as big and bluesy as Free, but the huge riff that drives the song is a direct forefather of Leppard's powerful signature sound, and "Don't Believe a Word" hammers home that few bands built on Lizzy's twin guitar harmonies as well as this group did. But it's not just that these covers put Leppard's music in context; it's that they sound more like a genuine rock & roll gang than they ever have: listen to the truly raw take on the Faces' "Stay with Me," which may not be quite as sloppy as the original (how could it be?), but it's equally greasy and riveting -- plus, it's sung with raw gusto by guitarist Phil Collen, whose turn on the mic emphasizes that this is a sound of a true group. They still sound like Def Leppard -- there are still cavernous drums, huge guitars, and driving harmonies -- but they no longer sound as slick and calculated as they did on their albums after Hysteria; they sound alive and vigorous, making a convincing case that they're now their own best producers. If they could carry this sound and feel onto an album of originals, they would have a killer record, but saying that diminishes the accomplishment of Yeah!. It's a killer record in its own right, and more pure fun than anything yet released in 2006. Few bands could achieve an artistic comeback via a covers album, but as this glorious record proves, there are few bands like Def Leppard.[/quote']

4.5 Stars


So, I'm not alone!

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Just listen to their version of "Hanging On the Telephone" or "Stay With Me" before you pass judgement. So good.


Oh, and Pyromania doesn't have a single piece of filler.

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Once upon a time I enjoyed certain Def Leppard songs.


Nothing after Pyromania, though.


Me neither, which is why this record caught me so off-guard.

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Me neither, which is why this record caught me so off-guard.



We all have our cross to bear - this is a big one.


As I have said before - hats off, for not getting a new drummer - but how in the hell can they play along with that electronic drum deal all of these years. I hate this band bad. I hope the trend of cover albums goes away soon. We talked about this in some cover albums thread last summer - I think.

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I should have mentioned that Pyromania came out when I was 14, which goes a long way toward explaining my feelings about that album.


I was 11


I don't think I've heard anything since then that I could stomach. I'm usually pretty easy on pop bands, but I find some of that hysteria stuff down right offensive

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I hate this band bad.

:cheers Once I had a really nice girlfriend. Sweet, good looking, etc. She was into Leppard. I thought it was an important enough issue to break up with her.

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Once upon a time I enjoyed certain Def Leppard songs.


Nothing after Pyromania, though.

Yea I'm with you here the first 2 were great Pyromania good, then forget about it.

Saw them backup Ozzy on the Blizzard of OZ tour and backup co-headline with Billy Squire. Odd match-up both great shows.

Was about 18 then drivin up to alpine valley.

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The sad thing is that my 14 year old step-son is absolutely in love with Def Lepard. He has the whole union jack sleeveless t-shirt and everything. He is also into the whole eighties hair metal thing too. He had gotten tickets to see them live somewhere and asked me of I would take him when his dad backed out a couple of days before the show. I was scared shitless but agreed to take him. Luckily my wife called and threated his dad's life if he backed out so his dad ended up going in the end. I am going to take him to see Ozzy in December. That I can deal with. Ozzy was actually my first concert.

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I have seen Def Leppard twice... And decided NOT to see them probably about a dozen times even as my friends were all traveling to numerous shows throughout the years whenever they came anywhere near the Midwest....


My shows...

Once on the Pyromania tour, and again about 7-8 years ago on some sort of tour that put them on an outdoor stage at Davis Park in Rockford, IL...

At the Pyromania tour, I was a jr. high kid who was wide eyed and basically blown away at the sheer power of a band that I thought was just great.


Seeing some hot young girls flashing their chests and throwing their panties on the stage in 1983-84 (whenever it was...) made quite an impression, and was a reason I bought my first guitar and amp (Kramer strat-copy like Eddie VH played except the cheaper series & a Peavey Backstage Plus 1-10 combo)


I mowed a lot of lawns and shoveled a lot of sidewalks and driveways that year to save that money up for a new BMX bike... But I could always buy that new bike next year (which I did, Hutch Hollywood Mike Miranda)...


Both times were enjoyable, but the second time because of the prodigious mullet spotting potential, and the novelty of seeing a one-armed drummer...

Hysteria onslaught was my senior year (dating myself there) and EVERY song from that album (or any subsequent CD) basically turns my stomach.


Don't be a hater.... If you were a teenager in the 80s, you were a DL fan to some degree....


I still listen to High & Dry and On Through The Night... and Photograph.

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