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feist - like or no?

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i agree the album version isn't that great, but her solo version of it is stunning IMO:



I'll give that a listen. The instrumentation on the album version is most of what bugs me. Her voice is pretty well suited to the song.

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there's a few songs on The Reminder that are better than anything off Let It Die, but overall it's just too slow/mellow and a bit of a downer for me. i like her uptempo stuff a lot too.

That's exactly the impression I had when I listened to The Reminder yesterday. I liked the two songs from the SNL performance, but for the most part the album just put me to sleep. I'll check out Let It Die at some point...

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Are you guys really hearing her "everywhere?" If so, good for her. I also dislike the iPod ad (surprise, surprise), but I don't watch nearly enough TV to have seen it more than once or twice. Saw her with Elvis Costello in Buff a few months ago, and yes, that bill is precisely as fucking awesome as it sounds. I played 1-2-3-4 on the jukebox at the local watering hole the other night, too! Woo!


Interesting to note that The Reminder seems to take a back seat to LID in this thread. That's a first that I've observed. I used to be in that camp, but the new record is a lot more sophisticated and a bit of a grower compared to the last one. The only thing I don't like on it is the production on The Park. Definitely one of my favs of 2007, though. Her knack for songcraft is just exceedingly rare. Brandy Alexander, I Feel It All, My Moon My Man, etc. Tons of great stuff on here.

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The only thing I don't like on it is the production on The Park.


bingo. the only real gripe i have with the record. it could also lose a track or two and i wouldn't really mind that much. but otherwise, i do like it more than Let It Die.


and other than that Apple Ad, do people really hear her everywhere? I rarely listen to radio anymore, but...I mean, come on, I'd rather Feist all the time then Gwen Stefani or any of the other alternatives.

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