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feist - like or no?

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I know the thread was not even originally about this, but I'd like to weigh in on the Let It Die v. The Reminder issue.


The Reminder is good. No question. However, for me, Let It Die is more enjoyable to listen to. There is a certain lounge-y, or even retro, sound to some of the tracks on that record that I really like. Also, more generally, it's simply a more upbeat record. I have nothing against downbeat music, but I found the The Reminder too downbeat, too spare, at least in comparison to the previous record.


Of course, this is all subjective. If someone was to say - as some have - The Reminder is the superior record, I couldn't really argue otherwise. It is very good and great in some spots ("Brandy Alexander"), but, if I had to choose between the two, I'd take Let It Die. Just me.

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^^ agreed


i'd maybe agree The Reminder is a better all around and cohesive record (well the fact that it's not half covers like Let It Die helps ;)), but i still prefer to listen to Let It Die as it's way more upbeat and fun.

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I think you've all touched on my reason to dislike Let it Die. That retro french Serge Gainsborough/Jane Birkin feel was a complete slimy turn off. On the Remainder it seems like she's actually singing rather than cooing. Doing things like getting Ron Sexsmith's input on Brandy Alexander did a lot as well.

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Bright Eyes is covering feist?!? yikes!

Feist opened for Bright Eyes on their tour a year or two ago. Other than the iPod commercial, that's pretty much the extent of my exposure to Feist, and I wasn't impressed. Maybe I'll give the albums a chance someday.

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Guest Speed Racer

Bright Eyes really should just cover his mouth.


Anyway, I love Feist. I avoided her for a long time because a friend of mine recommended her, and this friend had a penchant for really awful, slow, contemplative crap. Don't know how I ended up listening to her again, but I immediately bought both albums. I was at a party a few weeks ago, and a fifty-something guy came up to me (totally out of the blue, didn't know him), and the first thing he says is, 'My god, FEIST?!' :lol And then we had a nice chat about music.

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Probably the only exciting SNL performance of the past couple of/few seasons.

Agreed. She eclipsed recent performances by Spoon and the Shins by a country mile.

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