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Marah - Angels of Destruction

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:dancing very pumped about this album coming out tomorrow. I have read some great things about it. I've given it a few spins on the yep roc site but look forward to listening in full stereo.


I can't say enough about these guys. One of the more underrated bands in the business. If you have a chance to see them live, and you don't, your a fool.

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They're doing an early/late show at Schuba's in Chicago, I think.


I went to the early show last year and was really bummed that I didn't plan to do both. We'll be on vacation that week so I'll miss the Chicago dates. But I will catch up with them along the way somewhere on this tour. :pirate

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was really hoping this would grow on me, but i'm only enjoying about half to 2/3 of the album, and at that not nearly as much as the last one (dunno if they'll ever touch Kids In Philly tho to be honest). i really wish they could capture their live show vibe/sound on album sometime, as it stands it's not too often i have the urge to break out their records, and when i do it's usually only 2 or 3 of them.


that said, i still can't WAIT to see them in a few weeks!!!!

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Despite being billed as a post-rehab collection about redemption, there is a thread of glorious, edge-of-the-world chaos running through Marah's sixth album. The Brooklyn-via-Philadelphia band has developed a reputation as a stellar live act, but its records are often hit-and-miss affairs. With this new collection, however, Marah manages to convey the manic energy that makes it such a great performer, and the result is its best album yet. Opener "Coughing Up Blood" sets the mood: The instruments whirl and collide while frontman David Bielanko sings about loss and joy. "Angels on a Passing Train" spins a yarn about being filled with rage while managing to sound upbeat and excited. The rest of the record is full of propulsive, twangy rockers that sound like early Bruce Springsteen or an unbuttoned, pumped-full-of-happy-pills Wilco. Sobering up and getting straight never sounded like so much fun.
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I'm a bit on the shocked side that Solace doesn't like this album.




sorry my good man... i truly wish i was loving it, but alas...


it's too bad they're like 1/10th as good on record as they are live. that said, the last one ended up being my 2nd fave of theirs behind Kids In Philly. this one just sounds kinda generic RNR and the production sorta bugs me some. it's almost frustrating that they've never quite captured their greatness on record, but i suppose even many of the best live bands of all time rarely live up to their live shows on album in comparison too.


it's not BAD, just not that great either. i'll keep trying, but currently i don't see myself listening to it too much this year. there's not even a single song that i can say i love on here, whereas the last one had 4-5.


my friend who is one of the biggest Marah freaks i know and flies to the east coast regularly to see them live hates this new one and thinks it's easily their worst besides Float Away :hmm


their performance on Conan the other night didn't do much for me either

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it's almost frustrating that they've never quite captured their greatness on record, but i suppose even many of the best live bands of all time rarely live up to their live shows on album in comparison too.

So true. :thumbup

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i truly wish i was loving it, but alas...


the last one ended up being my 2nd fave of theirs behind Kids In Philly


it's not BAD, just not that great either.


there's not even a single song that i can say i love on here, whereas the last one had 4-5.


their performance on Conan the other night didn't do much for me either

Five statements I totally agree with... but I'm hoping the new one will grow on me.

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Aren't there two albums? Excuse my ignorance on this.....I thought there was an EP and a new album or is it all part of the same package???.


I also have a friend who is a huge fan who thinks this new stuff is the best ever...go figure.


I can't ever stay awake for Conan.... :lol



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From what I've seen, you either strongly dislike it or strongly like it. I've heard several people call it their best ever, while others have called it their worst ever.


Pretty interesting, actually.


It is a bit odd...it's not really a divisive album or a big switch for them either. I can see where an album wouldn't connect...like w/solace and beltmann but I can't see how someone would actively dislike it either.


I lean towards it being on their better side. Possibly behind "kids in philly" but right there with "If you didn't laugh...".


As far as songs that connect for me, most of them. Lyrically, I really like it as well.

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Well I guess the title of the album says it all. Aren't these guys brothers? Can someone with some knowledge about this band do the Readers Digest version of all this rather than looking through dozens of unsubstantiated stuff from a message board??


I just bought a ticket to the Schubas show. I have only seen them accoustic, so I was lookng forward to the electric set.



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Needless to say just being brothers wouldn't necessarily keep them from breaking up (ie the Everly Brothers, the Blasters, the Meat Puppets, etc.) but it seems like they are having a good year. Thanks.



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Yes, they are brothers and I'm reasonably certain that they haven't broken up. From what I have read, it looks like the rest of the band may be in question though. Marah's supporting cast has changed with some regularity.


their myspace currently just lists:


Dave Bielanko - Vocals, Guitars, Banjo, Etc. Serge Bielanko - Guitars, Vocals, Harmonica, Banjo, Percussion, Etc.


Christine Smith - Keys, Vocals, Accordion, Drums, Guitar, Publicity, etc.




as members... i realize they've gone through many lineup changes, but losing Kirk would be HUGE, Adam as well.

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listening to this again today... i really don't see it growing on me that much sadly...


what happened to the Replacements-y rock? there's maybe 1 or 2 outright true rockers on this record. that and i'm just not hearing that many great hooks like the last album.


regardless... i'm more worried about the possibility of Kirk, Dave, & Adam being gone :(

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