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Is Jessica Simpson cute?

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a lot of the 'evils' of the food we eat can be deterred from regular exercise.


and, physical activity is free. if you aren't doing anything in that realm...then, unless of course you have some legitimate physical handicap that prevents you from doing so, it's laziness. plain and simple.

Yup. That's my current angle, and it's working decently well on its own, though it'd be working better if I could improve my eating that last little bit.


Physical activity may technically be "free," but during the winter it can also get expensive. We joined a nearby gym, and we open it six mornings a week (that's 5:30 AM on weekdays) to get our sweat on. It's not the typical meat-market gym -- it's primarily intended for physical therapy patients but also offers memberships -- and most of the members are senior citizens, so it's not usually very busy. :thumbup


Oh, and to justify this wordy post ... here's another of my favorites, Dana Delaney:





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... It's not the typical meat-market gym -- it's primarily intended for physical therapy patients but also offers memberships -- and most of the members are senior citizens, so it's not usually very busy.


Do you get some sort of strange satisfaction being able to out elliptical the geriatrics?

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Spawn developed some pretty bad eating habits over his few moons. Most of those courtesy of him mom, though given my activity level I can be fairly lenient with my diet at times. It took a great deal of reeducation, some bribery and a lot of will power on his part to turn that around. In the last six months he's lost a great deal of weight, and looks better and feels better about himself. Inferior food is easy to come by, easy to prepare. It tends to have flavors that appeal to our palettes. Lots of sweet. And salty. mmm. salty.

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I don't know about "cute", but that slow-mo unbuttoning thing is pretty hypnotic.

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dana delaney in her prime was fantastic...caught a glimpse of her on desperate housewives while surfing and she looked a little haggard. but, in the day, wow.

She's over 50 now, but she's lost none of her allure from my point of view.

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all valid comments about food manufacturing and/or restaraunts...there is indeed a 'complex mesh of causalities' but you are only focusing on one element of obsesity. what about lack of exercise/physical activity? it's not rocket science, diet is one part of the equation...but a lot of the 'evils' of the food we eat can be deterred from regular exercise.


and, physical activity is free. if you aren't doing anything in that realm...then, unless of course you have some legitimate physical handicap that prevents you from doing so, it's laziness. plain and simple.


i have taken on a bit of a spare tire in the past year or two...i can and don't exercise enough/eat right. i've been lazy. to say that the 'epidemic' of obesity is the fault of anybody but the individual is ludicrous. 'introduction of sugar and corn syrup into just about everything we eat, a persons level of income, advertising, etc.' are contributors, but we hold accountability over our own bodies (or, at least, should).


And yet we are not all little islands unto ourselves. Unless you harvest your own vegetables and slaughter your own meat, you are, to some degree, at the mercy of food manufacturers.


And I don

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a-man's finger just fell off from hitting the report button so many times.

This should really get him riled.

My tits in sports bra mp3:




They have lost none of their allure after 50. :lol

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