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  1. 1. Who will win?

    • New England Patriots
    • New York Giants

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I'm still not seeing your qualms with it. I must have really low standards for sports writing.


It's ok, man. Nobody will remember this super bowl for any reason whatsoever because the Patriots didn't win. So the pain won't last long.

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And I've been saying this for a while, and people get really annoyed, but Boston sports fans (NE included)n are the worst. Maybe no the ones living in the area, but the hundreds of thousands of assholes outside of NE who root for them certainly are.


And you know each one, individually? Astounding.


This coming from the same fella who jumped up and down on my back, repeatedly, for suggesting some religious folks are deluded, for, you know generalizing.


Do you have any way to quantify that claim, bob?

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And you know each one, individually? Astounding.


This coming from the same fella who jumped up and down on my back, repeatedly, for suggesting some religious folks are deluded, for, you know generalizing.


Do you have any way to quantify that claim, bob?


Absolutely not. It is my opinion, based on my best friend, who is an insufferable douchebag anytime anyone mentions a Boston sports fan, and various message boards, tv shows, and movies, most notably Fever Pitch, which isn't a terrible movie except for the fact that most of the people in the movie are insufferable douchebags.


The difference?


I'm attacking fans of a sport team, who have, in my experience been annoying douchebags (both in person, and online, with their "we deserve this" mentality).


You are attacking the moral fabric that people build their lives upon. You are attacking people's belief systems. You are attacking something that people feel so strongly for they are willing to die for it.


Sports are a diversion, religion is, for many people a way of life. If you can't see the difference, then there's no point in discussing this with you (And there isn't, of course, regardless of whether you can or cannot see the difference).



Me: Half jokingly, half seriously, calling people who root for sports teams douchebags.

You: Belittling and mocking a HUGE portion of the population for their faith, something that cannot be proven or disproven, and which nevertheless, fills their lives with joy and happiness that they may or may not recieve otherwise. I don't see how you can justify this as anywhere close to the same thing.

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Absolutely not. It is my opinion, based on my best friend, who is an insufferable douchebag anytime anyone mentions a Boston sports fan, and various message boards, tv shows, and movies, most notably Fever Pitch, which isn't a terrible movie except for the fact that most of the people in the movie are insufferable douchebags.


The difference?


I'm attacking fans of a sport team, who have, in my experience been annoying douchebags (both in person, and online, with their "we deserve this" mentality).


You are attacking the moral fabric that people build their lives upon. You are attacking people's belief systems. You are attacking something that people feel so strongly for they are willing to die for it.


Sports are a diversion, religion is, for many people a way of life. If you can't see the difference, then there's no point in discussing this with you (And there isn't, of course, regardless of whether you can or cannot see the difference).



Me: Half jokingly, half seriously, calling people who root for sports teams douchebags.

You: Belittling and mocking a HUGE portion of the population for their faith, something that cannot be proven or disproven, and which nevertheless, fills their lives with joy and happiness that they may or may not recieve otherwise. I don't see how you can justify this as anywhere close to the same thing.


So, it

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Ok, you are right, it's not worth the bullshit argument you seem to be looking for. You win. Go you. I'm just going to concede to every bullshit argument you've made on this board and call it a day.


Sports are as important as religion, thus Brady literally IS God, not just in the figurative way we have been using all year, the Giants didn't really win, and even if they did, they still suck and nobody will remember this Super Bowl tomorrow, Jessica Simpson not only ruins little girls forever, but also Tony Romo (which might say something about Romo), Volkswagen killed Jeff Tweedy and replaced him with a robotic cyborg that exists only to shuck cars and Nazi-ism. And, finally, anyone who has ever believed in any aspect of a religion is a fucking fool.


And, I'm out!


You have chosen to ignore all posts from: Treehug'n Dirt Worshipper.



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Ok, you are right, it's not worth the bullshit argument you seem to be looking for. You win. Go you. I'm just going to concede to every bullshit argument you've made on this board and call it a day.


Sports are as important as religion, thus Brady literally IS God, not just in the figurative way we have been using all year, the Giants didn't really win, and even if they did, they still suck and nobody will remember this Super Bowl tomorrow, Jessica Simpson not only ruins little girls forever, but also Tony Romo (which might say something about Romo), Volkswagen killed Jeff Tweedy and replaced him with a robotic cyborg that exists only to shuck cars and Nazi-ism. And, finally, anyone who has ever believed in any aspect of a religion is a fucking fool.


And, I'm out!


You have chosen to ignore all posts from: Treehug'n Dirt Worshipper.



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I have a friend who is from Boston. she calls herself a "Masshole."

Everybody else calls them that, too.


Part of bobbob's dislike stems from the hordes of bandwagon Sox fans nationwide since 3-4 years ago. As far as I know, he's never been to New England (Boston). Nothing wrong with this, but it's comparable to comparing the inanity and dumbed down version of a "typical" Sox fan in the inane and dumbed down movie, Fever Pitch.


The other part I believe stems partially from his misbelief that the NE/BOS may have been a mecca for sports success forever, dating back to Cro-Magnum man, which has somehow allowed for a long-term wave of bragging rights/obnoxiousness. Actually, I guess it pretty much has been during his short lifetime, but this is more of a much older tenet as well a a pretty a pretty recent one.


Fans can be annoying from any region of the country, though.



But again, congrats to the Giants. Dangerously close to the New England perimeter, too.

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Everybody else calls them that, too.


Part of bobbob's dislike stems from the hordes of bandwagon Sox fans nationwide since 3-4 years ago. As far as I know, he's never been to New England (Boston). Nothing wrong with this, but it's comparable to comparing the inanity and dumbed down version of a "typical" Sox fan in the inane and dumbed down movie, Fever Pitch.


The other part I believe stems partially from his misbelief that the NE/BOS may have been a mecca for sports success forever, dating back to Cro-Magnum man, which has somehow allowed for a long-term wave of bragging rights/obnoxiousness. Actually, I guess it pretty much has been during his short lifetime, but this is more of a much older tenet as well a a pretty a pretty recent one.


Fans can be annoying from any region of the country, though.



But again, congrats to the Giants. Dangerously close to the New England perimeter, too.


I've been to New England a few times and I legitimately enjoyed my time there. Providence is one of my favorite cities to visit, and the people are mostly wonderful as long as we aren't discussing sports (Which probably goes for any people from any place in the country, really. It's just NE-ers are a bit louder about it)


It's probably ESPN's fault. As most things in the world are.


But really, I'm not as militant about all this as I seem. If push came to shove, I'd be willing to allow Boston and New England teams to continue playing, and would even allow them to have spectators at their games. My only conditions would eb that nobody ever says the words "Buckner", "Bellichek" and "Genius", "Bucky" "Bleepin'" or "Dent", or "Evil" "Empire" and I never have to watch another boring Yankees-Sox regular season game on ESPN (Seriously, it is the way the teams are built. OBP machines who fight off a lot of pitches. It leads to boring baseball, but being a glutton for punishment and a huge baseball fan, I watch anyways. And I always feel dirty afterwards.)

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Seriously -- congrats to the Gnats and their fans. The first few quarters were great if you are a fan of D (which I am). It really helps to build the tension when the Os finally get going. However, the determination on the Gnat's defense on that last Pat's drive was absolutely classic. They simply refused to lose.



[quote name='JUDE

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I've been to New England a few times and I legitimately enjoyed my time there. Providence is one of my favorite cities to visit, and the people are mostly wonderful as long as we aren't discussing sports (Which probably goes for any people from any place in the country, really. It's just NE-ers are a bit louder about it)


It's probably ESPN's fault. As most things in the world are.


But really, I'm not as militant about all this as I seem. If push came to shove, I'd be willing to allow Boston and New England teams to continue playing, and would even allow them to have spectators at their games. My only conditions would eb that nobody ever says the words "Buckner", "Bellichek" and "Genius", "Bucky" "Bleepin'" or "Dent", or "Evil" "Empire" and I never have to watch another boring Yankees-Sox regular season game on ESPN (Seriously, it is the way the teams are built. OBP machines who fight off a lot of pitches. It leads to boring baseball, but being a glutton for punishment and a huge baseball fan, I watch anyways. And I always feel dirty afterwards.)

The glut from the media reached it's peak in 2004. A lot of the hype comes from outside the NY/BOS region, though. Of course there's hype in the region and will continue to be. They've been rivals for close to 100 years. If I wasn't from the area/a fan I'd probably be sick of it too.


I think it's on the wane (at least the baseball part, anyway), though.


I disagree that the baseball between the two baseball teams is boring and will state that the 2004 ALCS was one of the greatest moments in baseball history to witness, regardless of any allegiance to either team. I think the match up is still excellent as both teams continuously field excellent teams. One of the reasons I love watching baseball, regardless of the teams, is that any game has the potential to be great. You never know until you're in the throes of it , though.



The Patriots deserve credit for an incredible season, but in the end the Giants deserve the ultimate credit for winning the big game.

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Sox-Yankees isn't any more or less likely to be great than any other series.


I would argue the brand of baseball the two teams play is boring to watch. Sure, it is my preferred brand (i.e. not small ball), but it is still really boring to watch, especially when both teams are exceptional at it. The games drag on forever.


I'd argue the 2003 post season was a better example of greatness than 2004, and half of it had nothing to do with the Yankees-Sox. They went to 7 games and had a walk off extra innings home run, and that was arguably only the 2nd most exciting series that season (Marlins-Cubs had a team rally from 3-1 in the series, a historic pitching performance, Bartman, etc.)


The point is, regardless of what ESPN and Fox tell us, baseball can be tons of fun without those two being involved.

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Sox-Yankees isn't any more or less likely to be great than any other series.

I would argue the brand of baseball the two teams play is boring to watch. Sure, it is my preferred brand (i.e. not small ball), but it is still really boring to watch, especially when both teams are exceptional at it. The games drag on forever.


I'd argue the 2003 post season was a better example of greatness than 2004, and half of it had nothing to do with the Yankees-Sox. They went to 7 games and had a walk off extra innings home run, and that was arguably only the 2nd most exciting series that season (Marlins-Cubs had a team rally from 3-1 in the series, a historic pitching performance, Bartman, etc.)


The point is, regardless of what ESPN and Fox tell us, baseball can be tons of fun without those two being involved.

Hence me saying that regardless of the teams, any game has the potential to be great.


How consistently putting some of the best players in the MLB on the field for decades upon decades translates to boring baseball is beyond me. I think your gripe may be more in tune with the way American League v. National League ball is traditionally played, rather than the particular way the NYY or BOS play ball.


The 2004 post season had importance and made history for more reasons than who was playing. The games will go down in the annals as historic because they were riveting, dramatic, intense, etc., and because it was the biggest comeback in the post season ever- regarless of your disdain for either team.


Again, to each his own. But to consistantly dismiss either the NYY or BOS teams because you're sick of the national attention they recieve comes off as sour grapes.



*****This chunk of the thread should probably be moved to the basebakl thread. Apologies to Giants fans for the highjack.

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Which is the bigger loss, last night's Patriots arrival at imperfection or the Yankees 2004 ALCS collapse?


Last night, by far and away. The Yankees collapse was in the ALCS, not the World Series.


I said earlier in this thread and I'll say it again:




That was the greatest Super Bowl ever, IMO.

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This is a good time to ask for opinions on what my brother-in-law has been claiming all day to me:


Which is the bigger loss, last night's Patriots arrival at imperfection or the Yankees 2004 ALCS collapse?

2004 ALCS collapse. One of (if not the, in the eyes of many) the biggest chokes/collapses in all of sports.


With the Pats, I think because of the spectacular season they had and the records they broke their season will at least be remembered for some of these accomplishments. Being beaten by a field goal in a Super Bowl isn't a "choke" in my eyes and as hard as the loss may be to them and the fans, they've got some merits to fall back on.

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With the Pats, I think because of the spectacular season they had and the records they broke their season will at least be remembered for some of these accomplishments. Being beaten by a field goal in a Super Bowl isn't a "choke" in my eyes and as hard as the loss may be to them and the fans, they've got some merits to fall back on.


Scoring 14 pts. om a team you scored 38 against (and averaged 37 for the season) isn't a choke?

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