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Kristin Hersh/Throwing Muses

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I thought I saw something similar with a jazz artist a little while back, basically they had different offers in exchange for $$$. I guess it's kinda cool, I don't know that it would really appeal to me (much as I do like Kristin Hersh/Throwing Muses) but it might be fun for hardcore fans for sure.


I don't see how it's hurting anyone, but I agree I'd feel better about it if the whole deal was for a benefit or something.

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It's simple supply and demand. There are clearly fans that are interested in a personalized cd from their favorite artists. I can't tell you what I would pay for a Tweedy or Westerberg personalized, acoustic cd.


I'm guessing that Kristin doesn't exactly have her kid's college paid for just yet so I don't think greed is the primary motive. It's a very tough business and very few can make a successful living off of it. This seems to be a creative way to do just that.

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Wow....that is a unique idea. I loved Throwing Muses....they were a bit of a staple at the Metro back in the day. I may check this out. This is on their myspace or some other web site I presume?

It is on the Throwing Muses website Throwingmusic in the "Shop."


She is certainly trying to do things differently. She and others (including Donita Sparks from L7) have this CASH music program, which is a pay-as-you-like format. They are also making music available with the Pro Tools stems of the song and encouraging people to re-mix it.


But she also has different membership/subscription options. "For $10 per quarter, fans can get all the media, merchandise and CDs they like. For $30, they get a "Works in Progress" CD plus free entrance for two into any upcoming show. $500 buys all that plus a visit with Hersh in the studio, $1,000 earns a Featured Sponsor credit on the next CD, and $5,000 bumps that to an Executive Producer credit."

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I don't know why a musician's offerings should be for charity, rather than for personal income, just because they don't fit within the typical music industry business model.


Cool idea. I hope she makes enough money to at least rasie her four or five (or is it six now?) kids to adulthood.

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I don't know why a musician's offerings should be for charity, rather than for personal income, just because they don't fit within the typical music industry business model.

My only real problem with it is that it does follow a sort of patronage system which can lead to exclusivity and can hurt other artists who don't have an established patron to rely on...if that becomes the business model.


As single artists I think this is a great practice, and hey you've got to make money somehow, this isn't bad at all.

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I think this is really cool. If I were more of a Hersh fan, I'd totally buy one. (I like Kristin Hersh, but I don't know her catalog well enough to choose a great ten-song playlist.)


It'd be impossible for someone like Tweedy to do this (he'd be in the studio 24/7). Still, if a more popular artist laid down a couple hundred songs in this manner and then let people customize their own discs in terms of song choice and running order from the existing recordings, I bet a lot of them would still get sold, even though it wasn't quite as personalized.

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So, she'll potentially record a song 100 times for 100 different buyers?




I don't think she would. I would think that she would record every song once and then create a library to build the personalized cd. I could be wrong though.


Unless she's changing the lyrics to incorporate the buyer's name, really no point in special recording each. However, if she'll incorporate my name in every song like she is singing to me, I'm definitely in for $50. It'd be great for parties.

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I don't think she would. I would think that she would record every song once and then create a library to build the personalized cd. I could be wrong though.


Unless she's changing the lyrics to incorporate the buyer's name, really no point in special recording each. However, if she'll incorporate my name in every song like she is singing to me, I'm definitely in for $50. It'd be great for parties.

The site implies pretty strongly that she records each disc anew.

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Unless she's changing the lyrics to incorporate the buyer's name, really no point in special recording each. However, if she'll incorporate my name in every song like she is singing to me, I'm definitely in for $50. It'd be great for parties.



Not another drive-in movie

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