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The hell with it...

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Have at it:


(streaming audio only)


Let me know if you like it or hate it or whatever.

Whatever you think, it sounds like nothing else I've ever done and I had a lot of fun with it.


It really does sound better LOUD.


Added a poll so that you wouldn't be uncomfortable telling me what you really think - anonymously. But comments are, of course, always appreciated.


And yeah, this will be on the next record, along with some acoustic folk, classic country, bluegrass, power pop, punk, and some other stuff. I do hope that you like this.


EDIT: And the response (even from my worst critics) has been pretty positive so far, so yay me. But y'all are a different animal.

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Stylistically I prefer some of your other stuff. I think the synth hook pulls together the pieces really well (like someone else said), but the programmed drummy sounds are a little too much in the beginning (since they're out there naked). I'd just mix them a little lower until the guitars come in. Also I would recommend just mixing one of the vocals a little more up-front-y.


But please don't take this as hate. I'm experimenting these days too, today I wrote a song using a preprogrammed Yamaha keyboard drum track that opens with the line, "The other night I caught Saved By the Bell, and I didn't know why but it made me sad as hell..."


BTW dude, you look a little like Adam Sandler in that pic. Keep at it amigo, and I enjoy when you put up your stuff. I almost think there should be a subset of this forum just for VC members' music though, ya know?



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nice track mr. poptodd. you should make an album.


That's what I have just begun, Phil. Hope the rest of it is received as well as this track has been so far (here and elsewhere).


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That's what I have just begun, Phil. Hope the rest of it is received as well as this track has been so far (here and elsewhere).



If it's anything like your description: "acoustic folk, classic country, bluegrass, power pop, punk, and some other stuff" I have a feeling I'll love it, those elements sound like quite the recipe for some interesting tunes.



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If it's anything like your description: "acoustic folk, classic country, bluegrass, power pop, punk, and some other stuff" I have a feeling I'll love it, those elements sound like quite the recipe for some interesting tunes.




Oh yeah.... there'll be some klezmer, too.

Seriously. (I'm talking to some clarinet players that I know about adding a little Yiddish flavor to a particular song.)

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It made me smile...can't ask for more than that

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know that a lot of you didn't like it, but a lot of you did. So, fair warning that I'll be taking this down in a couple of days.


Thanks again for listening, and for your honest feedback.

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