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Poo, I mean FOO Fighters Rider from TSG

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Wedgie threats, fat roadies highlight hilarious Foo Fighters rider


MAY 13--We're not sure who authored the Foo Fighters 2008 tour rider--frontman Dave Grohl, the production manager, a witty roadie--but whoever is responsible for the document deserves much praise. The rider, an excerpt from which you'll find below, is filled with jokes about flatulence, fat roadies, leftovers from "last night's Dio show," and the provision of "big ass kielbasas that make men self conscious." While we've used red arrows to point out some of our favorite lines, a close read of the rider is suggested, since we've surely missed a few jokes. While the document claims it is "not as funny as the Iggy Pop rider," that is, in TSG's opinion, pure modesty. The 2008 document is every bit as amusing as the Iggy rider (which you'll find here) and eclipses an earlier Foo Fighters rider, which can be found here. (9 pages)

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Kurt would be so pissed off that Dave Grohl is having a good time with his bandmates while he is dead. What an asshole!


I know, the nerve!

But seriously, one of the things that drove Kurt to kill himself was the phoney-ness of the music industry. I don't remember details of his suicide letter (probably avail. at TSG now that I think about it) but I think he was sick of it all.


Have you read the Rider? It's pretty ridiculous IMHO, but then again... I guess promoters have to pay to play.

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