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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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Guest Hollinger.
ESPN showed the ninth inning (cut away from Tigers/White Sox), and I noticed that both teams were wearing their alternate jerseys (red for the 'Stros and blue for the Cubbies) and both were wearing the road gray pants. I imagine UniWatch will comment on it tomorrow. I don't think I've ever seen a game where both teams wore road uniforms, although it makes sense here, even though technically Houston was the home team.



I believe it was mentioned early in the game that the Astros players wore their road jerseys as a small protest.

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NO hitter zambrano

I thought about going to this game with my brother-in-law, who is a Cubs fanatic, but chose instead to be lazy. Perhaps my one chance at seeing one in person... I'll be kicking myself for a long time.

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I thought about going to this game with my brother-in-law, who is a Cubs fanatic, but chose instead to be lazy. Perhaps my one chance at seeing one in person... I'll be kicking myself for a long time.

I was gonna go but had a directv appointment scheduled for 8am-noon... and the guy showed up at 3:30. :ohwell

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I believe it was mentioned early in the game that the Astros players wore their road jerseys as a small protest.

They also took the visiting dugout and locker room.


Zambrano looked great. If he could only have 12 days between every start!

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Often you'll see a pitcher who is working on a no-hitter do his best to conceal his emotions. Fun to see Zambrano callling off the catcher and first-baseman on a foul pop-up, catching the ball and pumping his fists, and then to see him bounce the 2-2 pitch with 2 out in the 9th... he's always worn his emotions on his sleeve, and this was no exception. He's got such great stuff; I'm surprised that he hasn't pitched a no-no before this.

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16 games over .500 with two weeks left in the regular season, good chance you're going to the playoffs... so you fire your manager.


Granted, they're in a swoon, but I'm puzzled. Guess they expect the shock the players back to life somehow.

Is this not their second (maybe third) straight Sept. swoon? They went from being a dead-lock for the wild card to being tied with Philly, whom they could not beat this weekend. Might as well fire him now and see if it works.

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Yeah, man. I wonder what was up with Kazmir tonight. He looked like he was under the influence of something/sick/out of his element.

I'm flipping between the game and Eight Men Out* and pretending Kazmir threw the game.


*D.B. Sweeney!

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I like Yost but don't think it was too dumb to fire him -- as Bjorn said, this is their second straight late season dive. Plus, Yost has a reputation as a good guy for young players but a little too complacent with the veterans. I'm sure Sveum can do just as well.

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