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If You Seek A One State Depression; Look About You

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Things are not so great here in the Northeast either.


I have a friend who's a manager at a local Macy's and they had to lay off not only their seasonal help before Christmas but quite a few regular staff as well. Another friend who works for Genzyme/Charles River (bio-tech) said they just laid off 50 people after moving to a new facility just last year. My friends and I in the restaurant biz have definitely seen a huge drop in people going out.

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If this stat doesn't alarm you, then I don't know what would : beer sales fell 14% in the last quarter. BEER, people!


This is catastrophic - but I guess if you live on the street due to foreclosure it's hard to sit on a couch and quaff a sixer. :ohwell

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Guest Speed Racer

Ha, I have a friend who works for a chemical dependency facility, and their business is doing great. Not up, not down, just exactly the same. I think recreational drinkers would certainly be cutting back on happy hours and casual drinking, but those who can't, well, they can't.

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Cool, I know a few people that moved to RTP in North Carolina. Not even sure where though. So that area is still strong? Is it a nice area to live?

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Yes, I can say with confidence that the CRO industry is strong. There were whispers of lay-offs at GSK, but I don't think this area was hit hard. There are loads of pharma companies and several CROs, in addition to my company. RTP is a pretty stable market in this area of the country and I think it's one of the few areas in this state where home values have not fallen, and construction has remained constant. Of course all of this could change at any moment, but it's not a bad place to call home.

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Yes, I can say with confidence that the CRO industry is strong. There were whispers of lay-offs at GSK, but I don't think this area was hit hard. There are loads of pharma companies and several CROs, in addition to my company. RTP is a pretty stable market in this area of the country and I think it's one of the few areas in this state where home values have not fallen, and construction has remained constant. Of course all of this could change at any moment, but it's not a bad place to call home.


Good information thanks. Amgen is about the only biotech game in town so if something happens I'm going to have to get mobile quick.

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