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Damn, I've had this album for years. It might be the most neglected album I own. I probably listened to it once about 15 years ago and put it away. I guess I bought it at the wrong time in my life...back when I was into things like Primus and Joe Satriani. :huh I'll have to find my copy and check it out.


EDIT: I just realized Phil Lesh is on this album. That's a major bonus. His playing on the Crosby album is stellar.

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Just read the part in Dylan's chronicles where Dylan and Crosby go to Princeton to pick up Dylan's honorary degree. He said something along the likes of Crosby not getting along with many people but he liked him. He does have an amazing voice. What blows me away about Crosby is his ability to hit that middle harmony to where his voice almost disappears in the mix. It's pretty easy to pick out Stills and Nash. Hitting that middles 3rd is a very difficult thing to do and he is about as good as it gets. Amazing voice.


I love the early CSNY stuff.

Yes. That's why (with the exception of Lennon) Crosby is my favorite singer in Rock ever.

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> Speaking of David Crosby, he has his boat for sale.


no sperm these days? :(



i remember first hearing 'Teach your children' when i was 4 years old through my parents.... never understood it, but i liked the tune

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I've always thought the song Woodstock stuck out like a sore thumb on Deja Vu. They should have just put the song out as a stand alone single. As I have read, they had a hard time putting that album together, as everyone was off on their own trip.

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i remember first hearing 'Teach your children' when i was 4 years old through my parents.... never understood it, but i liked the tune


That's my personal favorite. Easy to play on guitar too.


I was lucky enough to catch Nash and Crosby sing up in Milwaukee in October for a "Rock the Vote" benefit. "Teach Your Children" was, for me, bar-none the second-best moment of the evening... after watching Jack Black do a face-plant on stage...


Not much funnier than fat man go boom.




sorry Jack

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