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What happened to the Jay Farrar message board?

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Woah! Makes me wonder what we all would do in the same situation, but I'm thinking we might show up at the farrar board asking the same question ! ;)


Feel free to hang out here at VC until you get things straightened out. We love Uncle Tupelo, Son Volt, and Jay Farrar here, so you're amongst friends!



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Woah! Makes me wonder what we all would do in the same situation, but I'm thinking we might show up at the farrar board asking the same question ! ;)


Feel free to hang out here at VC until you get things straightened out. We love Uncle Tupelo, Son Volt, and Jay Farrar here, so you're amongst friends!




Thanks, I might do that!

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It is very typical of Jay and or Fast Atmosphere. No announcement of any kind made on the board of what is happening. It is just gone. Yesterday we were posting away, today, poof! You are sent to register.com. Apparently the domain name rights lapsed. You can buy jayfarrar.net for $59.99. Ha ha! None of the boarders i have been in contact with are surprised. That site was useless. The only worthwhile thing was goofing on the unmoderated, anything goes message board. That was a hoot. Sometimes too much what with a spate of abortion and porn photos due to 2 people awhile back (sure to turn off an interested fan that came looking for Jay/Volt info). Strangest musician site I ever came across. It was hilarious how boarders would, from web searches, post tour dates, TV/radio appearances, etc. weeks/months before the site would be updated. :lol

The sonvolt.net site still exists, not that it is anymore useful to a fan than the jayfarar.net site was, but the 'forum' link that sent you to the jf.net message board doesn't send you any where!


As Wendy said, hang out here. It's a cool place. Welcome!

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It is very typical of Jay and or Fast Atmosphere. No announcement of any kind made on the board of what is happening. It is just gone. Yesterday we were posting away, today, poof! You are sent to register.com. Apparently the domain name rights lapsed. You can buy jayfarrar.net for $59.99. Ha ha! None of the boarders i have been in contact with are surprised. That site was useless. The only worthwhile thing was goofing on the unmoderated, anything goes message board. That was a hoot. Sometimes too much what with a spate of abortion and porn photos due to 2 people awhile back (sure to turn off an interested fan that came looking for Jay/Volt info). Strangest musician site I ever came across. It was hilarious how boarders would, from web searches, post tour dates, TV/radio appearances, etc. weeks/months before the site would be updated. :lol

The sonvolt.net site still exists, not that it is anymore useful to a fan than the jayfarar.net site was, but the 'forum' link that sent you to the jf.net message board doesn't send you any where!


As Wendy said, hang out here. It's a cool place. Welcome!


I never posted over there and I dont post much here but your absolutely right about his site. I read a lot of your posts and I always admired the way you stood up for Tweedy/Wilco. Oh and your post about the drunken night at the Two Car Garage show was classic!

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One would think that with a new album coming out in a couple of months, that Jay and Co. would use the site as a promotional tool, but, as stated before, this is typical. Sometimes I wonder if Jay goes out of his way to avoid too much success. Maybe their new album is a sure-fire hit, but Jay decided to derail the web site just to make sure it's not TOO big a hit. Can't look like a sell-out now can we?


How can you not know your domain name is about to expire? Wouldn't you get some kind of advance notice on something like that? I get magazine renewal forms 6 months before the subscription expires.

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So ... has anyone bothered to check recently? Site's back up. They probably just forgot to renew their domain registration, and as soon as they realized it, they took care of it.


It's funny how a temporary lapse can stir up this kind of conversation, though. :lol

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So ... has anyone bothered to check recently? Site's back up. They probably just forgot to renew their domain registration, and as soon as they realized it, they took care of it.


It's funny how a temporary lapse can stir up this kind of conversation, though. :lol

Did it stop sucking?

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Not having ever visited it regularly, I am unqualified to judge. Or rather, I recuse myself.


the farrar board isn't that bad. not as active as this one obviously, but some pretty damn smart people on there. and we get brian henneman of bottle rockets & former uncle tupelo sideman, plus current son volt guitar gods mark spencer and chris masterson checking in a lot, so that's cool


but it does appear to be down again

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I think new blood on this board would be a very good thing. Shake things up a little!


I believe you'll find most people on here are big Uncle Tupelo fans and thus are pro-Farrar as well as pro-Tweedy.

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the farrar board isn't that bad. not as active as this one obviously, but some pretty damn smart people on there. and we get brian henneman of bottle rockets & former uncle tupelo sideman, plus current son volt guitar gods mark spencer and chris masterson checking in a lot, so that's cool

That was weird. A buddy actually found the domain name for sale when it first happened. I don't know if it still is. Whatever the reason... typical.


I agree hardwood. There are some great folks there but the message board is the only thing about the site that's worthwhile. It is also cool that Brian posts. He has for years. His posts are always welcome and usually insightful. Spencer on the other hand, though an incredible musician, mostly posts to shill his used equipment and berate fans. He very rarely, if ever, gives any insight into a show, a song, recording, etc. Why post on your band's fan message board mainly to belittle the actual fans that haven't even criticized you? That is strange as hell to me. But what do I know. I am not a talented musician.


Also, it is pretty damned cool that Brent best lurks/posts here. Even if it is a different Brent Best. Oh and Brent, that drunken Two Cow/Drag The River nonsense was a hoot. My pal got me to believe that I started a fight with Jon Snodgrass. Jon got a kick out of that. We took it to such crazy levels on the board, it was unbelieveable that some folks bought into it!

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That was weird. A buddy actually found the domain name for sale when it first happened. I don't know if it still is. Whatever the reason... typical.


I agree hardwood. There are some great folks there but the message board is the only thing about the site that's worthwhile. It is also cool that Brian posts. He has for years. His posts are always welcome and usually insightful. Spencer on the other hand, though an incredible musician, mostly posts to shill his used equipment and berate fans. He very rarely, if ever, gives any insight into a show, a song, recording, etc. Why post on your band's fan message board mainly to belittle the actual fans that haven't even criticized you? That is strange as hell to me. But what do I know. I am not a talented musician.


Also, it is pretty damned cool that Brent best lurks/posts here. Even if it is a different Brent Best. Oh and Brent, that drunken Two Cow/Drag The River nonsense was a hoot. My pal got me to believe that I started a fight with Jon Snodgrass. Jon got a kick out of that. We took it to such crazy levels on the board, it was unbelieveable that some folks bought into it!


Hey I bought into it too! In fact I hate to admit it, but I had this schadenfreuden moment, where I was reading every page of the thread like it was a novel, and just getting blown away at how two freinds had come to blows after one night of drunken beligerance. I have to admit I was pissed when I found out it was a hoax.


Your right about Mark Spencer. I cant believe that Farrar alows him to post on that board in the manner that he does... If that was Nels Cline saying that sh*&, it would make the cover of Paste magazine... Rock media would be all over that... But because its Farrar, no one gives a sh*&! Spencer has really gone over the top at times. If it was my band, he would have been out on the street months ago.


Henneman is great... Uncle Tupelo fans would be doing themselves a huge injustice if they didnt go over there and search every post he has writtten... Some great Uncle Tupleo quips have come from him... Great, great guy!!!

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It is very typical of Jay and or Fast Atmosphere. No announcement of any kind made on the board of what is happening. It is just gone. Yesterday we were posting away, today, poof! You are sent to register.com. Apparently the domain name rights lapsed. You can buy jayfarrar.net for $59.99. Ha ha!


This is not the first time this has happened to his site.

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