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Kalle Mattson - Whisper Bee

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I can't thank you guys enough for the kind words and for listening! We worked really hard on it for about three months and I think it's paid off.


As of now I have CD's in my hands and they are ready to sell. We can do it the old school way with cash in an envelope ($10) and I'll mail them to you (just PM me) or you guys can buy it from this link http://www.indiepool.com/KW2009CD just like amazon or whatever. It will be on iTunes but that will take a couple weeks as Apple seems to be slow with it.


Our first CD release show is tonight so wish us luck! Thanks again everyone it really means a lot!

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Ooooook folks some new new bands newwwws!


The album is now on iTunes for those of you that would like to purchase music that way (we also have a shopping cart if you go to our http://www.myspace.com/kallemattson), aaaand for those of you that are somewhat interested or intrigued I can most certainly give another download link for you as well.


Um, the album has been reviewed a couple times, and both were very positive and 4/5 star reviews!


We're now getting some rotation from a few radio stations in Canada which is great, lets hope to hear more!


But most excitingly will be a TOUR of Ontario in the last week of July! So this means we'd really love for you guys that live in these areas to come out!


Here are our dates for the summer:


July 8th - Sault Ste. Marie - Arcadia - w/ The Pack AD


July 17th - Sault Ste. Marie - Rotaryfest Second Stage


July 20th - Sault Ste. Marie - Arcadia - w/ Bruce Peninsula


July 24th - Sault Ste. Marie - Loplops - Tour Kickoff


July 25th - Pembroke, ON - Cafe Ole


July 26th - Ottawa, ON - Mercury Lounge


July 27th - Toronto, ON - The Drake Hotel


July 28th - London, ON - Black Shire Pub - w/ Great Bloomers


July 29th - Kitchener, ON - The Boathouse - Indie Music Showcase night


July 30th - Barrie, ON - Manhattan's


July 31st - Oakville, ON - CJ's Cafe - Afternoon show


July 31st - Peteborough, ON - The Spill - w/ Trainlight


August 1st - Renfrew, ON - Charlie's Pub


August 5th - Sault Ste. Marie, ON - Arcadia


August 14th - Sault Ste. Marie, ON - Arcadia w/ The Wooden Sky & Evening Hymns


Soooooo if you have friends in any of those cities tell them to come out or check out the songs, any and all help is wanted/needed! Any ideas for promotion (know any blogs, magazines, radio stations?) would be just awesome. Thanks much everyone!

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Hey everyone, I just updated the dates a bit as some have changed, and I'd really like to see some people from VC there!


We just got a nice little write up in Burgeoning Metropolis which is pretty great, you can see it here http://twitpic.com/7oan1


Also the venue we're playing at in Oakville thinks I'm a girl :D, that's pretty awesome. http://twitpic.com/7ocy7

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