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Members Area and Roadcase Streams

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Does anyone else get the impression that the new members page that has been set up for us to get the Ashes audio and the 930 show amongst other bits and pieces might be used to sell us content that is not free?


Currently all of the "subscriptions" are free but I'ld love for them to sell us high-quality downloadable versions of the shows they stream through the Roadcase section. There could even be member's only premium content like tour EPs or the like. It would be a good idea for the band to get more cash trickling in during the between album periods.


Anyone have an opinion whether they think this could be a possibility judging from the members area? Would people be willing to pay for this type of content, and if so how much per gig?


Personally I could see myself paying about $10 per gig just for the convience of listening to it on my ipod.

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Does anyone else get the impression that the new members page that has been set up for us to get the Ashes audio and the 930 show amongst other bits and pieces might be used to sell us content that is not free?


Currently all of the "subscriptions" are free but I'ld love for them to sell us high-quality downloadable versions of the shows they stream through the Roadcase section. There could even be member's only premium content like tour EPs or the like. It would be a good idea for the band to get more cash trickling in during the between album periods.


Anyone have an opinion whether they think this could be a possibility judging from the members area? Would people be willing to pay for this type of content, and if so how much per gig?


Personally I could see myself paying about $10 per gig just for the convience of listening to it on my ipod.


i prefer what the tapers post rather than what wilco records. To me the bootlegs sound like like if i were actually at the concert, the official recordings sound like if i were plugged into the soundboard with a pair of headphones. you dont get the reverb, you dont get the crown nearly as much... if the sound guy would just turn nels up just a bit like pre residency level all would be fine.

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i prefer what the tapers post rather than what wilco records. To me the bootlegs sound like like if i were actually at the concert, the official recordings sound like if i were plugged into the soundboard with a pair of headphones. you dont get the reverb, you dont get the crown nearly as much... if the sound guy would just turn nels up just a bit like pre residency level all would be fine.


I find I know what I'm getting with the Wilco streams though. It can be hit and miss with tapers - some are excellent and some are not. That said Wilco seems to have a better standard of taper than most. The other side of the coin might be if they were charging for them they might spend more time on mixing and mastering after the show. Iron and Wine do this for a lot of their shows and it sounds great. They sell theirs at www.playedlastnight.com

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I'd pay $$ for that Berkley show that was in the roadcase last summer. I've never been able to hear any of the tapers product, so I cant make a comparison.


The Berkley show was good. Jeff's comments on how high everybody smelled cracked me up. The opening with Sunken Treasure knocked me on my ass, as I had not yet had the chance to see them live.


yea that was a good one. Better yet i like how he compared them to Portland... their heads were on fire ha ha.

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You can find the Berkeley show over at Owl and Bear for free and it's a matrix of the roadcase and audience recordings... probably my favorite show of the 3 I was at that tour...


What date is that show? Might give it a spin.

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Wilcobase-->Venue-->Search-->Berkeley-->last date listed


Scroll down to Audio Sources, and then, Download this show from the Wilco Archive @ Owl and Bear. There are two sources there, so you will have to look at the .txt file to figure out which show is the one you are looking for.


A lot of bands sell live discs of their shows these days. There are also bands who have dropped the physical purchase, and now just sell the files by way of a website.


I am not sure there would be enough people in the audience who were interested in buying the discs to make it worth their while. We have to remember that all the people we see messing with live shows online are but a fraction of the overall audience that come to the shows.


Would people who are not normally interested in such things change their mind if it was offered along with the other stuff at the merchandise table? Maybe so.


Personally, I feel AUD tapes are just fine. I heard a Wilco sound board the other day that was basically unlistenable due to the terrible mix.

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I know Peter Gabriel does it for all his concerts. He charges a very high price if I remember correctly. You can order any gig on the tour or the whole tour in a big set. Pretty cool but crazy expensive. Personally I think online distribution is the way to go for these. Maybe CDRs of the previous show in the city could be sold at the next show in that city? It would be a pretty cool keepsake of the gig in the same way the posters are.

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can anyone recomend a good application to be able to listen to .flac files? I've tried to download from Owl and Bear, but cant do anything with it.


You can download a flac converter and depending on the file you convert to, it should play in itunes and other media players..







hope this helps...

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can anyone recomend a good application to be able to listen to .flac files? I've tried to download from Owl and Bear, but cant do anything with it.


If you want to listen to the files without decompressing them, WinAmp is a good player to use. If you want to burn the files to a cd, you will need to decompress the files to wav with FLAC Frontend, and then you can burn the wav files to a cd.


Check out this thread for more information.

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You can download a flac converter and depending on the file you convert to, it should play in itunes and other media players..







hope this helps...


I use a converter plugin for Realplayer. It just outputs them as wav files. Pretty sure I got the tip from owlandbear or the downloads sticky at the top of this forum.

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