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This blows me away

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So maybe we could play a game based on personal experiences. Well Ive lived in either DC or Richmond my entire life and Im 40 so I was in the middle of the jamband explosion in the late 80s early 90s when it happneed. .


Anyway. When DMB first started they played for $2 EVERY single Tues night at Trax in Charlottesville and $2 everyt single Wed night in Richmond at The Flood Zone.


This went on for 18 months straight. I went to at least 8 or 10 of these shows over the course of that time.


At the beginning noone would approach the stage and just hung in the back by the bar while some band with a violin played. Maybe 50 people the first one i went to. I remember hearing satellite (not saying its a great song or anything) BUT I thought to myself Id never heard a song like that from any band before.


Anyway by the end there were fuckers crawling through the windows and on the roof trying to get in. It was so packed you could barely breathe or stay on your feet. I just thought it was funny that transition. It wasa probably ten bucks by the end.


Wilco, Phish Blues Traveler and everyone else played this venue as well.


Check these two vids. Theres a little difference but its really the same i guess.


Flood Zone 92




Share an experience like this you old heads. thanks

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Were you at the 7/16/92 Phish show there? That was one of the first Phish tapes I acquired, and I played the hell out of it. Great, great show.

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It is ok to like DMB, right? Everyone always seems to qualify their compliments to the band with a "not that I like them or anything".


Of course; anyone who would begrudge you what you like... don't listen to that person.


However, I'm one who always clarifies that I used to be a dmb fan but dislike their music now. I do it because I loved the band they were from inception through 2001 (or so) and have disliked what they've produced more and more over the years (notwithstanding a slight bump in 2005) since then.


So, yeah.

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Heres another GREAT old one I was at. Van Rypers Lake. I would pay a grand to get back to this. A one foot stage and a beer truck all right on a lake beside a mountain.

Check out the dancing and the clothes and the amount of people up front. A little less than Central Park




damn i love that song & the entire under the table album. i should listen to that again.

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Of course; anyone who would begrudge you what you like... don't listen to that person.


However, I'm one who always clarifies that I used to be a dmb fan but dislike their music now. I do it because I loved the band they were from inception through 2001 (or so) and have disliked what they've produced more and more over the years (notwithstanding a slight bump in 2005) since then.


So, yeah.



Kevan I would highly advise you to check this one out.



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I'm a huge 1990s dmb fan. From 2000 up until recently they have been putting out a lot of crap, BUT there are still a few great songs hidden amongst the garbage. Their last album was a solid effort. For me, that original dmb lineup was killer stuff.

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