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Roger Daltrey Tour Opener 9/13 Review ; Pretty Good

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Review by Lee Zimmerman of Palm Beach Broward Times

Abridged ...

The truth is, Roger still looks remarkably vibrant these days, still tousle-haired, tanned, and boasting a youthful flush that belies his age. Ever agile, he's still a confident front man, able to twirl a microphone without fumbling it and wail away on harp, competently strum a guitar and even pick away on ukulele when he has to. If his voice doesn't quite pack a youthful bluster or muster the bravado it once did, it still comes close to hitting the high notes and expressing an undiminished authority. Besides, any lapses are more than made up for by the way he tempers his tone with sentiment and sensitivity. The Tommy track list and its added material span more than two hours and demand both force and nuance, traits that Daltrey still seems to possess.


That's fortunate because it was apparent that those who filled the nearly sold-out auditorium were devoted Who fanatics that expected no less. And on that score Daltrey didn't disappoint. He tore through Tommy with a veracity that rivaled his performances of old, turning signature songs like "Pinball Wizard," "I'm Free" and the soaring conclusion, "We're Not Gonna Take It" into the obvious anthems that Townshend had always intended them to be. The crowd erupted at the first strums that signaled "Pinball Wizard" and by the time Tommy reached its conclusion with the famous "Listening to you" refrain, the audience was on its feet and cheering along. Likewise, when Daltrey augmented the Tommy tunes with Who classics like "Baba O'Reiley," "Who Are You," "I Can See For Miles" and "Going Mobile" (mostly sung by Simon Townshend, who replicated his brother's vocals to a tee), the audience was equally inspired, responding with a frenzy that matched the reactions the Who once received in their heyday.


A few unexpected entries were also slipped into the set list, among them "Giving It All Away," the Leo Sayer-penned song that appeared on Daltrey's initial solo album and a track which he claimed he had never sung before in concert. A Johnny Cash medley found him effective in a lower register, while a take on Taj Mahal's "Rider" practically became an opus all its own. And when he turned a lilting read of another of his solo standouts, "Without Your Love," into an appreciative thank you for fan devotion, Daltrey's tender touch prevailed.


Still, it was that hoary rock opera that all had come to witness, and the reward was a reading that was both credible and compelling. If Daltrey and his deaf, dumb and blind boy alter-ego are no longer as inseparable as they once seemed, he proved he's still adept at slipping back into character. And for him, it's a lot less awkward than it would be for any of us who might opt to reclaim our former selves from 40 years before. Unlike our old bellbottoms and tie-dyed tees, in Daltrey's capable hands, Tommy still wears well.


Critic's Notebook


Personal bias: I'd rank the Who among my top five favorite bands of all time, and having caught several concerts by the group's original foursome, a performance by only one of their members might pale in comparison. Still, seeing one quarter of that combo is better than seeing none, and in his role as front man, Daltrey carries the legacy well.


Random detail: Since this was the first date of his new tour, it was only natural that there were a few flubs, mainly in terms of some occasional false starts. "There were a few senior moments," Daltrey admitted at Tommy's conclusion.


By the way: Having guitarist Simon Townshend (Pete's brother) on board lends further credence to this revival. The rest of the band was equally impressive. In fact, Daltrey's backing band -- Townshend, Frank Simes (guitar), Scott Deavours (drums), Jon Button (Bass) and Loren Gold (Keyboards) -- is the best Who cover band one would ever want to see. Kudos to Deavours in particular for ably replicating Keith Moon's reckless, relentless technique.


Set List


Tommy Overture

It's a Boy


Amazing Journey


Eyesight to the Blind


Cousin Kevin

The Acid Queen

Fiddle About

Pinball Wizard

There's a Doctor I've Found

Go to the Mirror Boy

Tommy Can You Hear Me

Smash the Mirror


I'm Free

Miracle Cure

Sally Simpson


Tommy's Holiday Camp

We're Not Gonna Take It

I Can See For Miles

Who Are You

Behind Blue Eyes

Giving It All Away

Days of Light


Going Mobile

Johnny Cash Medley

Young Man Blues

Baba O'Riley

Without Your Love

Blue, Red and Grey


Footnote Saw him w/this Band 18 mo's Ago ; Money Well Spent (Seeing again Sat.)

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hopefully i get approved for this show in Boston this saturday. the show i caught @ House of Blues two years ago was a lot of fun.

I was there as well

Loved the Band we chatted it up w/ another Townsend Brother milling about and Setlist of other tunes looks similar

im in Some deals to be had on other websites..

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I was there as well

Loved the Band we chatted it up w/ another Townsend Brother milling about and Setlist of other tunes looks similar

im in Some deals to be had on other websites..




Roger did not sound very well on the shows I have heard. Maybe it is hit or miss.


He is also selling live cds of each show.

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