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I had never heard of this singer until this week when my son sent me a link to the NPR "First Listen" of her new album New View.   Really liking this new album.  I'm sure folks around here must know her, and Fiery Furnaces. What's people's take on her?  Should I be listening to her previous work? Anybody seen her live?




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I saw Fiery Furnaces only once, years ago, opening for Wilco. It was clear even back then that Eleanor was a real original--she had a real presence about her. I never got into their music that much but they were a visually arresting group. They had a super hot drummer too--long hair flying around.


Sorry--I'll leave the more substantive critique for others.

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I got "New View" Friday. So good. Very 70's and maybe even 80's vibe. "Mature" is a good word to describe it, and I mean that in a good way. Maybe "confident" is a better word. Lost of subtlety in the songs to make them enjoyable. 


I'm a big fan of "Blueberry Boat", and a lot of that is because of the melodies and voice she added her brother's punk-ish, interesting jams.


I also liked her solo "Personal Record". Lots of her songs have a melancholy around them, but for me, again, that's a positive because of how she performs them. The song "Other Boys" is a good example.


She's got a ton of tour dates upcoming. I assume she'll have a band with her. If so, I'll be there.

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Boston Globe gave her new album a very good review on Friday:


"But on her third solo album since the Furnaces embarked on an extended break, Friedberger proves herself a master of the singer-songwriter confessional, with sun-dappled tracks that have the easiness of loose-limbed country-rock without being afraid to offer a peek at the beating heart lurking underneath."



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I know nothing of Fiery Furnaces, but I've seen Eleanor twice, and I have her first album.  She puts on a show that far surpasses her record (the first one, anyway).  Hopefully she still has the lead guitarist that she was working with a few years ago.  He was terrific.

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