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Wilco and the flood

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The short version if you don’t want to read it. My house flooded and Wilco’s music means a lot to me.


This will probably be way too long and who knows if it will get posted. I usually don’t post on forums. I love to read them but never feel like I have anything to say. But I wanted to say thank God for Wilco and how much music really matters! In 2001 I moved to Texas from Louisiana. My wife was offered a better job and financially it was the right thing to do. Leaving family and friends was tough and anxiety issues that already existed became worse. I found a job working at a music store. Lots of musicians and people would talk about music and bands they liked. I can’t remember who gave it to me but someone at work gave me a copy of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. On the ride home from work I listened to this album for the first time and it was overwhelming and amazing. It was what I needed.  I fell in love with it. I soon went and bought my own copy and begin working my way back through the older albums. Working my way backwards until I finely reached A.M. I became obsessed with the music and it helped and became my soundtrack. I think most of us have music that matters to us and certain albums or songs trigger the memories of those times in our lives. Wilco’s music has become that for many moments in my life.


On April 23rd 2005 I finally was able to see Wilco live for the first time. For all that the albums meant to me it doesn’t even come close to seeing them live. People talk about religious experiences and what church does for them. Seeing Wilco live recharges my battery. I still have issues with anxiety and crowds to this day but when I can get past it and see concerts it helps me. Nothing helps more than Wilco for me. It really does give me a boost that stays with me. At the concert in 2005 I waited after behind the venue and had my A Ghost is Born CD signed by the band. When I told Glenn it was the first time seeing them he asked if there was anything they didn’t play that I would have wanted to hear. That was crazy. They do care about what it means to the people who go to the concerts. Sometimes we hear horror stories about what happens when you try to talk to a band after a concert. Not only did I love the music but now I was amazed by how nice everyone was and taking the time to talk to everyone, sign stuff and take photos.


  Over the years new albums came and new experiences to go with my new soundtracks. Different times seeing the band always recharging the battery. I have other stories but I’ve probably said enough. Let’s just say I really love Wilco.  Rewind to about a month ago.  My house was flooded during Hurricane Harvey. My family and I were rescued by boat before the water entered the house. We had a lot of things and now we have a lot less but everyone is okay. All I was worried about at the time was getting my family out before the water started to come in the house. Thankfully my wife had my son put my guitars up high. When you are rushing and thinking of things to save you would be surprised by the things you think to save. I helped my wife put the photo albums in plastic tubs and get them up high. After that I needed to choose. We have a wardrobe cabinet that is 6 feet tall. At the time I didn’t know how high the water would get in the house. Turns out 14 inches plus another 6 inches of mold by the time we could go back into the house. My things for the top of the wardrobe cabinet. A Guild GADM20, my signed Stan Lee poster from when my son and I took a photo at Comicpalooza with Stan Lee and my signed Wilco poster. The Wilco poster was from a show in Fort Worth in 2006 where I was lucky enough to be in the first row. It was an incredible night that I didn’t want to end. So after I went to the back of the venue and had everyone sign the poster. At the time I heard a rumor that Jeff would be doing a solo tour. So when Jeff asked me how I enjoyed the show. Instead of saying thank you for an incredible night of music that I wish wouldn’t end. All I could think of is when I could get that experience again so I said “When are you playing a solo show?” I did regret that after. If you ever read this Jeff sorry I was just too excited. I can always look at the poster and it reminds me of that night.


The day after we were rescued I needed music. Some people have comfort food or other things to comfort them. I needed Wilco. I had an ipod but no headphones. My friend who took in me and my family loaned me some headphones. That night after the kids went to sleep I could now listen to music. I felt like I could breathe again. The lyrics to Wilco (The Song) never meant so much but if sonic shoulder for you to cry on didn’t fit the situation I don’t know what did. I listened until I fell asleep.


 When I finally was able to get back in the house and started seeing what could be salvaged I found my Wilco CDs. Saved! The fate of most of my Wilco vinyl didn’t turn out as good. That’s ok. It’s the music itself that matters. Funny thing is the albums that did make it. My signed Star Wars and Schmilco from Huckleberry, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and the new Jeff Tweedy Together at Last box. I still haven’t put together the puzzle. Other things were saved but it is funny what jumps out at you and what has meaning.


 I have 4 kids. 3 girls and a boy. I let them listen to whatever they want. A while back my son asked if the next time Wilco played if he could go with me. Absolutely! When it was announced that Wilco was playing in Austin I bought tickets. We planned on making the trip to Austin with the family and I would surprise my son with us going to see Wilco. I catch him not only singing the songs but singing the melodies and guitar solos. I love it. A room wasn’t booked yet. It still hasn’t been done yet. I didn’t know with everything going on if I could justify the cost. Yesterday my wife and I decided we could all use a break from this. Not only are we now going but I upgraded our seats from a ticketing site. Something I never do! It was a purchase that I probably shouldn’t have made but I wanted that experience once again but with my son. We still aren’t back in our house yet. It will be months and I need my battery recharged once again. Even as I type this I question the money spent after everything that has happened. Many people have helped us during this time. The guys from Waco with the boat who rescued us from the house. The people who picked us up and washed our clothes. My friend and his family who took us in after. The group of 11 men from a church in Austin who helped gut the house.  All the people who gave us clothes, food, money, hope and their prayers I can’t thank you enough.


I have put my extra tickets up that I purchased in the got extra tickets part of the forum. I am selling them for exactly what I paid for them. Here is the deal though. Not that I really have the extra money but if you love Wilco and your house was flooded or you helped someone who needed help because their house was flooded. You might need a sonic shoulder to cry on too. The tickets are yours! Free!


Our experiences and how we treat people is all we really have. Everything else can be taken away. Yes money is important but the kindness and generosity of people helping each other that I witnessed was incredible. All we really need to do is be kind and help each other up when we fall down. Thanks Wilco and everyone else who have helped me back up.

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Your story made me want to cry.  The power of music to heal has always meant everything to me.  To pay it forward (so to speak), when you see the Jay Bennett documentary is complete and available (probably not until 2019).  Send me a message, with your address, and a DVD is on me for you to enjoy!  Be well.  Keep rocking!

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Omigosh, Mountainbike, that was one of the most heartening things I have ever read! I'm so glad you and your family are ok, and so happy you are going to give yourselves a Wilco show!


I marvel at your perspective. I guess when you face losing everything, even those you love, it becomes crystal clear what is genuinely important.  I wish you the most joyous Wilco concert, and I hope your son will be dazzled (of course he will be!) and really "gets" why this music, and this sense of community matter so much. Wilco will love you, baby!

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No one has taken me up on the free tickets for someone who flooded or helped someone. If you would like to go see Wilco for free tonight send me a message with your email. The tickets are print at home so you need to be able to print them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was unsure about posting this. It is my experience from the Austin concert. After letting a friend read it. They said I should. Here it is the way it was written last week.



Last week was tough.  I had an insurance inspector come out to the house.  We don’t have flood insurance but had some other issues with the house that needed to be taken care of.  Well, the inspection was disheartening to say the least.  I will not say what company but I will say I didn’t feel like I was in good hands.  It really was taking a toll on me.  I am doing okay but I need my wife and kids to feel like they have a home and are safe.  It really has been day to day living.  But not this week.  I had made plans for the first time since this all happened.  I was going to see Wilco!  But still it was weighing heavy on me.


Besides my son I also have three girls.  Which means that I have seen a lot of princess movies.  Well princesses have fairy godmothers.  Being a man, I didn’t think I qualified.  I was wrong.  I too had a fairy godmother and her name is Susie!  Around 11 on Saturday night I received an email from the one and only Sue Miller Tweedy.  She said she had read my post on Via Chicago.  Just her writing to me was a big deal. She could have just said sorry to hear about your situation and I would have been thankful.  But that is not what she did.  She said how would you like to meet Wilco tomorrow night?  Well, after I woke up my wife to tell her, I sent the fastest email I could.  Absolutely!  I was up most of the night.  That is nothing new but this time it was happiness and excitement keeping me awake.  When my son woke up the next morning he was smiling.  I said “Are you excited?”  He shook his head yes.  I then told him the new twist to our plans. Now he was really excited.


The next night when we arrived at Bass Concert Hall.  We followed the directions that Susie gave us.  We learned the super secret handshake.  Also we had to learn and recite the Wilco oath.  This part is not true but it is a process as it should be.  So we met our tour guide.  He will remain nameless because he is busy enough without people asking him about how to get backstage.  I will say that he is an incredibly kind man and despite how busy he is he really took the time to make us feel like a priority and take care of my son and I.  We followed him up to a room.  When we walked in Wilco!  It was a small room that the guys had been rehearsing in.  Everyone still holding their instruments. Now I did say I was up late. I was thinking of all the things I would say to the guys. I’m sure all of you have thought about this. Okay maybe not but I sure have. Well when the moment arrived I froze.  It’s okay.  I believe words did actually come out of my mouth.  What those words were is a bit fuzzy.  If you have ever stood behind a venue waiting for the band to leave hoping for a chance for a photo or autograph, you may have wondered why they come out one or two at a time. You may get John and Pat or maybe just Nels. Glenn by himself or with Mikael.  Eventually Jeff.  When everyone of them exit you get a small burst of excitement.  Well I think I can finally answer that question.  Standing in a room the size of a small bedroom or a nice walk in closet. You are in to confined a space to handle that much Wilco.  Your brain starts to overload.  Despite my shortcomings of verbal communication everyone is extremely nice.  I do remember telling them that I told my son he had to sing because Jeff would be watching and expected us to sing.  Glenn told my son not to worry because he doesn’t know all the words either.  After they signed my poster and my son’s Schmilco CD.  When we were in line at the merch table he told me he needed his own copy of Schmilco to listen to in his bedroom. How could I argue?  After a photo with Wilco our tour guide then brought us back to where we met.  We made our way back to our seats.  


Even before Susie’s surprise I wanted this to be a special night.  Our tickets were first row.  We watched the rest of Bob Schneider’s set.  It was really good.  I definitely need to check out his albums.  After as we waited the couple sitting next to us noticed my son looking at his signed CD and asked as how we got such great seats.  They are actually huge Bob Schneider fans and were there to see him but wanted to stay to check out Wilco.  I caught them up on the past month and confessed that I felt a little guilty about the expense and before I could finish the man looked at me and said experiences matter, reached in his wallet and handed me a couple bills from his wallet.  Unbelievable!  People continue to amaze me. I talked for a few minutes to the man on my left.  He had been to quite a few Wilco shows including the residency in Chicago.  He was by himself tonight.  At least with where he was sitting.  He discovered that if he could get a single seat this close he could meet up with his friends for drinks after the show.  He seemed to have a solid plan.  That was it.  


Houselights dimmed and the concert started.  It was strange at first.  I wanted to stand but nobody else was standing.  Finally, when the gentleman a few seats down from us stood security asked him to sit.  I had never been to the venue and thought that was a little strange.  When songs would end we took the opportunity to stand and cheer.  Jeff noticed this and commented about people sitting.  He also made a joke about getting a standing ovation after every song.  I took this as an invite to stand.  Normally I am worried about the person behind me.  Sorry but not tonight.  Tonight was a celebration.  I stood, I sang, flubbed lyrics and missed words to songs I have heard millions of times.  I’m the guy that stands there only watching trying to soak in every detail.  Tonight was different.  I wanted to sing and feel the energy. I hadn’t realized until tonight that I was okay with everything that had happened the past month but I wasn’t happy.  Tonight I was with my son and it was overwhelming.  My wife says I am having some issues with what happened.  Maybe she is right because while standing there watching my favorite band with my son I became so emotional thinking that no one can ever take this moment away from us.  I usually watch the entire band.  Watching certain members when favorite parts come up.  That was another thing that was different tonight.  I was fixated on Jeff and every word that he said.  


I kept looking at my son and his amazement as he soaked in the music and what he was witnessing.  He played the upright bass for two years at his Junior High.  He stopped this year so I bought him an electric bass he could play at home.  I thought he would be watching John all night but what I noticed is he was watching Glenn.  I remembered about the small drum set I bought him when he was five.  When we would play when my wife and only daughter at the time would leave the house.  These sessions would turn into pure noise as he would direct me on what to play next and to follow him.  It would always be fun.


 As the night continued on I wondered if I could trust my memory.  I started snapping pics with my phone yet another thing I don’t normally do.  Who was this person singing at the top of his lungs.  I wasn’t sure but he seemed to be having a great time so I let him be.  At the end of the main set as the band was leaving the stage I was yelling thank you repeatedly.  I really didn’t know how badly I needed this. It was emotional and wonderful.  I was sad to think one or two encores and it would come to an end.  It was two encores.  


I can’t tell you about other people’s experience.  I can only tell you from my point of view that it was an amazing performance.  I think what makes them such a great band is every time I have seen them they give it everything.  We all have seen bands where you say they must be having an off night.  Maybe it has happened for Wilco but not at any shows I have seen.  Even the time when Jeff was sick.  He needed help from the audience singing.  He gave it everything.  Also the songs keep growing.  I think of songs like infants.  When you first write them they are like newborn babies.  Everything is fresh and exciting but still new.  For some bands and artist that is enough.  Not saying anything negative about those bands and for some it works.  But I find with Wilco the songs never stop growing.  Some are now in their rebellious teenage years.  Others are older and wiser that have more to say by saying less.  It’s why I enjoy the roadcase recordings so much.  I’m hoping this show makes the cut for completely selfish reasons.


When the end finally did come it was Spiders.  It was a perfect ending.  Even though the house lights came up I stood with my son by the stage.  I was trying to take in every bit of what had happened. Someone walked out of the back holding Glenn’s drumsticks from the night.  He handed them to my son and said these are for you.  My son looked at me.  I couldn’t believe the look on his face.  A man walked up to him from the audience and said well who do you know that you got drumsticks.  I chose to blame the alcohol for his attitude towards a kid.  I told him we had met the guys earlier that evening not going into details.  He started yelling can I get a pick or a set list?  The man from Wilco’s crew that was on stage said you didn’t say the magic word.  I looked at my son and turned to the gentleman and said “May we please have a set list?”.  “Yes you can” he said as he handed us the set list.  I thought to myself how this man had also shown my son how far treating people with respect and simply having manners can get you.  Even Wilco’s crew is awesome!


As we walked out one last thing out of character for me.  A selfie with my son.  He was still staring at his new gift in amazement and I wanted to capture the moment of us together.  As we walked back to the car my son said “I think we really needed that”.  Yes we did.  On the ride back to the hotel I looked in the rear view mirror.  He was looking at the drumsticks checking out every mark and small crack.  The night was over.  I would like to say thank you to Sue and Jeff and everyone in Wilco including the crew for giving us a night we will never forget.


 I just wanted to say to those who have taken the time to read this thank you.  Lately I have been dealing with some bad things in my life.  We all have bad times at some point.  Despite how I would try to avoid them in the past it is no good.  These things happen.  If you are on this forum you know that the Tweedy family has had their own tough times.  Of course I couldn’t say how they are feeling but on the outside it looks like they stay positive and understand how important staying positive and love really is.  Bad things happen to good people.  Sometimes good things happen to terrible people.  I’m sure there is a presidential joke there but I want things to stay positive and about the good things.  This moment forward I’m trying a new way to live.  I wouldn’t recommend flooding your house as a form of therapy but it did wake me up.  I will try to be present in every moment.  Hold tightly to the people I love and the happy times.  When something good happens I want to grip tightly to that memory and hold on.  In the past when something good would happen I would immediately think what is next?  Where’s the bad thing?  I know it’s coming.  That is no way to live.  For the people who know this already that is wonderful.  Really congratulations for knowing something that I should have known a long time ago.  But if one person reads this who has felt the same way I have in the past.  Maybe it will wake you up.  


 Once again I questioned whether or not to post this.  It is long!  But the more I thought about it and thought about what happened in Las Vegas.  It felt like a good thing.  I sent an email to Susie thanking her for Sunday and in it one of the things I said is I hope that Jeff knows how much his music means to me and other people.  Thinking about that now it seems silly.  Surely he knows and everyone in Wilco. This is no knock on religion or people attending church.  I’m sure for others it is a different feeling.  But for me I’ve never felt more of a sense of celebration, love and being part of something bigger and whole than Sunday night.  I wish church did do that for me.  Wilco doesn’t play every Sunday.

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Wow! What a great story, thank you for sharing Mountainbike.

And kudos to Sue and the band for looking after you and your son. It feels good just reading about it! 

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Wow! What a great story, thank you for sharing Mountainbike.

And kudos to Sue and the band for looking after you and your son. It feels good just reading about it! 

Thanks. It really is crazy that they took the time to do that for us. I'm using the photo as the wallpaper on my phone. One click away from a little reminder or bringing me back to my "happy place." Dealing with all of the house issues and flooding I find that I click on it a lot! By the way for anyone reading a quick PSA. Buy flood insurance!

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