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Mr. Kinsley

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Everything posted by Mr. Kinsley

  1. Hey now, that's a pretty controversial statement to be making around these parts! I haven't listened to it for a while, so maybe I'll throw it into the car today. I've never liked Wishful Thinking for some reason. It just doesn't sound finished - great lyrics but rather dull IMHO.
  2. It does rather smack of preaching to the choir.
  3. 1 Napa 2 Sonoma 3 Paso Robles 4 Santa Ynez 5 Chehalem (Ore.)
  4. That's the spirit! Excellent work.
  5. Brie isn't in your top 5? Are you insane!?!?! This is the dumbest cheese list I've ever seen!!* *All top whatever lists need a good argument, and since there weren't any yet, I figured this was as good a place as any to start. But really though, brie does rather rule.
  6. I'm very slowly going back and hitting some classics that I somehow managed to miss during high school/college. The Grapes of Wrath is up now. Up next, Slaughterhouse Five. At my current pace I should be able to finish them by the time I go back to work... in September... of 2007.
  7. What's ludicrous is that Liriano and Verlander weren't just on the team to begin with. I'm just happy No-mahhhh made it in. It would have been, dare I say, ludicrous not to have had the guy leading the league in batting in the All-Star game.
  8. Plums are an underrated fruit. (Old Skool represent!)
  9. Never mind. I got it. For anyone else who may do this, just go to your control panel, click view topics (or forums) then unsubscribe through that window.
  10. Being the dumbass that I am, I was looking around at what all the different options are and accidentally subscribed to a thread, so that it will send me an email everytime someone posts. (Seeing as it's the RTT, that would be a BAD thing.) Then in trying to undo it I accidentally subscribed to the entire forum. Is there anyway to undo it? Thanks, Ken
  11. I was thinking of starting up an "art gallery" thread in TTL where people can post ONE picture and you only get one post. You just continually edit the picture to change it, so as to save on bandwidth. Would that work?
  12. How long does the edit feature work for? Can posts be edited indefinitely? Just curious.
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