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Everything posted by viatroy

  1. random inflammatory tongue-in-cheeck thought: It's occurred to me lately that removing the shared Jewish/Muslim/Christian holy sites from Jerusalem, perhaps transporting them to Antarctica, would go a long way towards settling at least one part of the Middle East problem. The Sneetches over there might actually become more god-like and pacific if they weren't always fighting over a crappy piece of real estate.
  2. YHF as a whole took me many listens for it to sink in -- Being There was instant love.
  3. as loudly as possible, and making as hideous a face as possible
  4. fantastic! (wait, which version? ) congrats AWATT!
  5. a little visual inspiration, no charge.
  6. dude, this was a good 25 years ago and Im STILL laughing about it.
  7. This weekend is shaping up to be almost exactly like 90% of my weekends.... baseball/swimming with my chiquitas, torch time, yardwork, housework, naptime, talk to Analogman. Holding out to see Clerks II next week.
  8. my liver is pure as the driven snow. wonder what that would fetch? and it begs the question, should THEY have paid ME when I had my gall bladder removed?
  9. and quite a misogynist to boot.
  10. criminy, you're from that neighborhood, you oughta know!
  11. While I know she wouldn't ask herself, Im calling for everyone to plug in their vibe machine for Laminated Kat, who unexpectedly lost her father last week. So let's do what we do best here and give her our love and support.
  12. state and federally funded? you bet! Your Karma is most certainly intact! I wouldn't bet on it! but thanks for the vote of confidence! can someone please teach me how to use the quote thingy?
  13. m'i bad? a girl's gotta make a livin seriously, I don't imagine (though I could be underestimating the greed factor) anyone would choose to submit to egg harvesting (sperm harvesting is an altogether different animal) purely for financial gain. Yeah, nevermind, I'm kidding myself.
  14. Well that's the bottom line on all this -- resource depletion. I probably don't do as much as I could/should, partly because I think citizen participation in the political process has become moot. I contribute to causes I deem worthy. (Let me tell ya, my kids were thrilled last Christmas when I gave gifts in their honor to heifer.org ) I was very much the activist as a young adult -- before the advent of my family and the need to support them became the top priority. I drive a Civic, try to live in as nonmaterialistic manner as possible, grow some of my own food (not enough -- those
  15. That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane and Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn - world serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs. Feed it off an aux speak, grunt, no, strength, the Ladder start to clatter with fear fight down height. Wire in a fire, representing seven games, and a government for hire at a combat site. Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furys breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped. Look at that low playing. Fine, then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
  16. Murmur Reckoning Out of Time
  17. you two should have a baby together! Lammy, I asked my boss just today if the library could please put a moratorium in place against buying these ridiculous politically partisan name-calling books. He said no, because they all wind up on the bestsellers' list. I told him we should take a stand. yeah right.
  18. In reality, if I were in the early vs. waning reproductive years, the drive to bear offspring would probably beat out the intellectual considerations of the future of the world. We're just built that way. The biological imperative is strong. Doesn't mean the world isn't going to hell in a handbasket tho. The problem with that Kevin is that, however hard we may kick and scream and try to influence the powers that be, the example of Bush vetoing embryonic stem cell research shows us that the majority does not rule....especially not the likes of you (althou that helipad gives you a leg up) a
  19. I thought I was done. I doubt anyone thinks you or anyone else should not be able to use the available technology to take an end run around fertility problems so you can have children. Of course you and I love our offspring, goofball, and I would never say yours are somehow "less worthy" or have less "right" to be here. Tha's jus crazY. The issue is though, there are many fertilized embryos that will never be used for the purposes of creating a life. Should we toss em? Or should we use them to find ways to address health issues in the here and now? Sounds to me like tossing em i
  20. I do that. I also think that mankind is on it's way out. Not in my lifetime, probably, but in the next couple hundred years? Certainly a possibility.
  21. My outlook is not about living in the US, or about the opportunity to instill your values in your progeny. It's about the state of the world. My perspective comes, in part, from being 47 instead of 21, and having lived through alot of changes, most of them not for the better. Overpopulation, in fact, being one of the worst stressors on the planet and the quality of life. Everyone loves parenthood, and there's a built-in biological drive to see that your DNA carries on. On a pragmatic rather than biological and emotional level though, there are some serious planetary and geopolitical im
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