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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I would like to see the Dems discuss details about how the government is going to change the health care system when they say "affordable health care for everyone." it's a concept that is ideal, but how is it going to be implemented successfully. details people!
  2. I hope you aren't referring to my comments because I'm not fond of Olbermann at the moment. I'm really sick of his commentaries and can't bare to listen to any of them. also, someone commented that he would be ranting on and on if McCain was asked to be interviewed and turned it down, which leads me to believe that McCain has not been asked. Olbermann is a paranoid person when it comes to Republicans and wanted extra security for himself at the RNC because he thought there would be an assasination attempt on him.
  3. yeah, to Bill's credit, at least he has a variety of people on his show with differing political points of view, unlike Keith Olbermann. I would love for Keith to have the balls to interview McCain or Palin on his show.
  4. did anyone dare to watch Obama on the O'Reilly Factor last night? I hate Bill O'Reilly, but I just had to see that interview. There will be more of the interview next week. I thought Obama did really well, considering Bill would interrupt him half the time before he could complete a point.
  5. did anyone dare to watch Obama on the O'Reilly Factor last night? I hate Bill O'Reilly, but I just had to see that interview. There will be more of the interview next week. I thought Obama did really well, considering Bill would interrupt him half the time before he could complete a point.
  6. indeed. the state still received the federal funds for this bridge and the road to the bridge is currently under construction.
  7. note that I didn't say ALL Republicans and conservatives. that's what I meant anyway. the RNC always seems to bring out the worst in their party. I try to watch it to find some sort of connection or anything that I may have in common with the party and all I hear is a bunch of snarky rhetoric. then I just have to turn off the TV because it makes me want to vomit in terror.
  8. conservatives have no substance and Sarah Palin is a flip flopper who will say whatever the Republican party wants to hear, which is typical of most Republicans.
  9. I can't believe Cowboy Troy is performing at the RNC. it's a very sad day.
  10. sorry, but Mitt Romney can suck a peanut out of my ass!!! so can Sarah Palin! there. I SAID IT!!!! it's so freeing! GO PETER!
  11. I'm hoping for an October surprise...
  12. I'm sure she'll uphold the status quo.
  13. Fred Thompson is a fine example. from what I've seen and read regarding the GOP convention is the same bunch of people who are truly out of touch and think this country is on the right track, with a war that we don't need to be in and insurmountable debt. everything is just fine isn't it! it's all great, it's all good! 4 more years!
  14. have a wonderful day! hope things are going well for you! :party :party
  15. happiest of birthdays to a very talented artist and kind gentleman! :party :party :party :badger :badger
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