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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I think if I hear the word "maverick" invoked one more time by McCain or Palin, I'm going to wretch violently. forever.
  2. I can't believe this precious dog hasn't been found yet. I hope they find her soon. vibes Jules
  3. I like the Fleet Foxes and MMJ releases from this year. but yeah, only one!
  4. what is your number one favorite release this year, thus far? my pick is The Black Keys, Attack & Release. I love every, single song on it. it's blues and rockin'. so now it's your turn. GO!
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/24/pal...here/index.html
  6. there's such a thing as a "wang double?"
  7. no matter how old he is, he will always be hotness to me! hubba hubba!
  8. so you are for the destruction of their natural habitat. that's nice. p.s. they don't belong in zoos.
  9. Joe Torre's nose snubbed at closing of Yankee Stadium
  10. that's so interesting about the study for Type 2 diabetes. another reason to save these wonderful creatures!
  11. I'm not blaming her for this, per se. but she is suing the government to take them off of the endangered species list. that's why she's a monster. plus I hate her.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/09/23/arctic.ice/index.html
  13. any kind of care package with non-perishable food and creature comforts are always nice.
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